Flow rate automatic calibration does not work

i don’t know why but automatic flow rate calibration doesn’t work with ASA and PETG Azurefilm filament. (i have last firmware on my X1C -
It works instead with the Azurefilm PLA.

I’ve done the test many times, the model printed is good, but the calibration always appears “failed”.

Can someone help me?
thanks a lot

What buildplate are you using? What filament color?

Both could cause the calibration to fail.

It can happen.
I am not sure what solved my issue, but these were my steps:

  • engineering plate;
  • clean the plate;
  • clean the micro lidar;
  • calibrate the k value again (values identical - so maybe not the issue);
  • reboot printer and slicer;
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Build plate: engineering plate for asa and petg, cool plate for PLA.
Color of filament is black for asa and petg and orange for PLA

I did everything except clean the lidar. My X1c has only 50 hours of printing and 10 minutes before, with PLA, it worked.

Do you have any extra build plates (not textured PEI)?
Do you have some external light that may be interfering with LIDAR?
You may try to clean the LIDAR; it will not be worse.

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At moment I don’t have any other plate and there isn’t any extra light in the room. I will try to clean a lidar lens🤞

I am just throwing ideas, as the cause can be any:

  • what initial flow rate and volumetric flow are you using?
  • if you try PLA now, does it still work? If not, check the extruder.
  • Are you printing from AMS? As non-standard spools, check if there is any blockage to unwinding.
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-Initial flow rate is default at 0.95 for asa and petg, 0.98 for pla
-i retried the pla and still works
-yes, printing from AMS, but I printed multiple object (and k value auto calibration) before a flow calibration, without any problem.

Wednesday I will clean lidar and I will tried a Azurefilm Petg white on engineering plate, what else can I try?

I noticed that during the calibration the fans are all on (with any filament), this is the same for you?

Turning the chamber light off can allegedly help the lidar. I’m not so sure about that theory but admittedly I do shut it off when calibrating, just in case until someone really debunks it.

If it is true, the printer should obviously shut it off automagically during lidar scanning and then turn it on again afterwards (if it was on).

I will try even if I agree with what you say

Yeah I am sorry, I am also out of ideas here. I had problem with transparent filaments, or really glossy ones. But the plates are fine, I have not had any problem with black PETG or ASA ever.
Sorry that I can not help you.

i tried Azurefilm white PETG and works…after that i retryed black ASA and calibration is failed:woozy_face:
-azurfilm orange PLA on cool plate, OK
-azurefilm white PETG on engineering plate, OK
-azurefilm black ASA on engineering plate, FAIL
-azurefilm black PETG on engineering plate, FAIL

it’s a color problem?? :thinking:

Did you manage to fix it?

why not just do a manual calibration?

Was there by any chance an error code displayed when the failure was reported? If

so, then if you look it up, you may gain insight into exactly how it failed, which would obviously be helpful to know.

I think I’ve run across failures maybe only twice, but IIRC, each time was accompanied by one or more error codes. Heck, even my dishwasher displays error codes when it fails.

My steps are

-ignore the Lidar
-use Orca Slicer
-do the calibration with the tools offered withing OrcaSlicer
-insert the values into the profiles

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Failure with the black colors makes me suspect that the camera is having a hard time distinguishing the calibration lines from the plate. It would interesting to see if more light would change the result.

But I would not bother. As @mr1952 said, calibrate the filaments with OrcaSlicer, turn off the LIDAR calibration, enjoy faster print times, less wasted material, less cleanup, a bit more printable area on your plate.

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I had the same problems as @riccal, but with ABS and the textured PEI plate. Reading all your comments, I figured maybe the reflections of the textured plate are an issue for the Lidar Camera. After switching off the internal lamp as well as all of my lights around the printer I have now had several successful calibration runs with different filaments… Thanks all for your input here, hope my experience helps