Flow rate calibration judging

Hello! I am currently running orcas calibration sequence of an generic PETG since i’m very much still learning and collecting general information of how stuff works i’d figured i’ll throw up my first pass flow rate sample here for the hivemind to judge and share their expertise on, especially since i feel the samples i have are pretty close in comparison.

Most of the samples came out pretty good, ive removed +10 because it has obvious overextrusion around the edge, +5 has very slight overextrusion along two of the edges… but it is smooth, you can barely feel the ridges of the lines, at 0 you can feel the lines again, but theyre even and no discernable border, same with -5

#0 does let through a bit of light on the tag when held up but theres no voids, whereas +5 only lets through light on the numbers (as i guess the intention of the fill is)

  • +5
  • 0
  • -5
0 voters

One reason i put this up is that the resources to know what youre looking for are slightly lacking, whilst orcas tutorial is better than bambu wikis they arent exactly beginner friendly when it comes to judging edge cases.

coming back to this, i’m actually incredibly hard pressed to judge the fine resolution test, especially knowing exactly what im looking for, adjusted for +5 initially and well… you tell me!