April 11, 2023, 7:02pm
Where can I change the Font? I don’t use a Standard Windows 10 Font, nor do I have “ClearType” Enabled. So There is a huge Problem with the Font in Bambu Studio and OrcaSclicer. The Font is fuzzy and very hard to read for me.
The Font in the menu bar is good and clear, but the rest isn’t.
In Cura, there is a Folder, where I can set a Font and text size. But this does not work here… any ideas?
Right click on the program shortcut and open properties. Then play around with the DPI options on the compatibility tab. One of them should fix it.
December 23, 2023, 12:21pm
Solved by enabling Clear Type in Windows (7)
December 23, 2023, 12:37pm
Yeah, but I dont enbale ClearType for a slicer. I hate ClearType - thats why its disabled.
An in my opinion, its stupid when a program use a dedicated font - in this case HarmonyOS from Huawei
December 23, 2023, 2:00pm
What’s the downside to using ClearType?
If a solution is stupid but it works, it’s not stupid.
December 23, 2023, 2:39pm
I dont use SegoeUI as the default system font. And ClearType makes SegoeUI fuzzy.
I need a font with clear edges, Tahoma without ClearType is a razer sharp font.