Force Sensor 2 disturbance

I run 2 X1C and 4 P1S one of the X1C has an intermittent issue where it more or less all the time when starting a print will complain there is an external disturbance on Force sensor 2, sometimes it then fails to home the Z Axis.

Ive checked the bed position that its not catching anywhere. Ive loosened the small Allen key screws and made sure the bed is aligned. Its currently printing away after 3 restarts. It generally wont start the print is the force sensor 2 error occurs followed by failure to home Z Axis… I will at some point create a ticket.

But wanted to ask if anybody else has had this and fixed it ?
Could it be the Hotend ? does that have anything to do with Force sensor 2

Many thanks

I was not clear did you do the Bed Tramming Procedure ?

If the bed is hitting the force sensor and not giving enough gap to release the force sensor 100% it will complain or you have a force bed sensor failing. Do you get any codes on what sensor it is ?

Heatbed Sensor

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Force sensor 2

When you say bed tramming I presume that would be the old school nuts at each corner correct

I’ve already done the Allan key ones on top

Ya old school the black three nuts on the bottom plate so it would be the back bed plate nut.

Thanks once this print finishes tomorrow I’ll have a go

Appreciate it

Just an update on this. Trammed the bed worked for a week or so. This morning i had the force sensor issue again, then z homing failed. I watched it and noticed at the back the bed would push the nozzle up, and not stop. i think i may have a duff sensor 2, im going to swap hotend today see if its anything there. then probably check all wires again re-fit force sensor 2 and then probably order one…

This problem could also be related to the heatbed signal cable.
Try to manually jiggle the heatbed cable a bit then try and home the printer again

If the problem still occurs, it could be a faulty heatbed cable that requires a replacement.

You can check the exact error message in the HMS list of error codes available on the wiki.

I was curious if you had any luck? I started having this issue where the back of the bed forces itself into the hot end and then I get the force sensor 2 error.

i eventually logged a ticket Renover. they are kindly sending me the signal cable. I can get mine to work eventually, but if i just fire and forget it almost always never worked i had to mess about with it. But once its started its fine…

Glad to hear it. They did eventually get to me. They had me check a few things and then ended up sending me a new heat bed. That took care of my problem. It was a little interesting swapping it out.

Hi i’m “upping” this post because i have this exact same issue with force sensor 2 sometimes displaying error and sometimes having Z homing fails. It’s been doing it for quite some time but i used to be able to just restart the printer and keep printing more often then not. Though it has been happenning more and more now and it’s getting difficult to start a print without force sensor or z homing fails …

Can anyone provide additionnal help pls?

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Same here… would happen now and then, if I turned printer off and did a calibration it would usually work again, but now it is giving me the same "force sensor 2/failed to home Z axis’ error repeatedly and is now a real fight to get it to print.

It’s your bed signal cable most probably I had it as the thread says Bambu sent me a new one, never had it since there about 4.00 to buy and not too stressful to fit

I resolved mine. Replaced a part at a time to see what could have been the issue.

#2 only has 3 parts between it and the main motherboard, the sensor, the interface sensor board and the sensor cable. Knowing this it can be only one of these unless it is the main motherboard buttttt if it is that I suspect you would have more than #2 sensor failure.

First the #2 sensor was replace, same issue. Then did the sensor cable, same issue. Then replace the sensor interface board and that fixed it. Honestly, wasn’t terrible to fix (took it apart 3 times for each trial) nor was it expensive. They have each part now for sale in the spare parts store then heatbed catagory. If you get this issue, get a sensor, a cable, and an interface board. Just know if it is only #2 sensor, it doesn’t plug into a Piezo board, just directly to the main sensor interface board (Heatbed Sensor Interface Board).

Pro tip: if you are like me and hate a printer down, just get 2 of each including the Peizo boards just in case you for the future. They are pretty dang cheap in comparison to the value of the whole printer.