Foreign filament

I’m new in 3d printing and it is mostly going well. When setting up the filament,.the brand I’m using Is Sunlu pla. It is not recognized within the pull down selection in Bambu Stufio. It would be helpful to have this product details available when setting up. I’m setting this product as generic.

@seaprowler1 also a heavvy Sunlu user and 100% it would be great if more vendors were in Studio by default, however using the BETA Bambu Studio we can set that up and really customise it if we wish (also the new printer firmware supports the custom firmware snycing across, when using the new Beta Studio etc)

Custom Filaments - Sunlu etc

Another easy option - before I printed with my own custom filament settings, I found Bambu PLA Basic to be spot on for 99% of cases for Sunlu PLA+, Bambu Silk for Sunlu\eSun silks etc , however your milage may vary.

FYI - Beta studio if you like to tinker.

Select the generic version of the material, then click the edit icon at the right end of name. Change any of the settings you like, click the floppy disc icon and save with a new name. Those settings will then be listed in the filament drop-down as a User Preset.
Those filament presets will sync through the Bambu cloud if you use more than one computer or if you choose to use OrcaSlicer.

Studio 1.8 beta is introducing another method (Custom Filaments), but I’m a bit uncertain exactly how that will work and interact with the printer/AMS. I think the intention is to make your filament presets available when printing from MakerWorld through the Handy app.

like i mentioned…I’m a newbie. I using plain 'pla…does the “+” really make a difference?? Any further info would be taken.

Above my pay grade …but I do love tinkering.

That is good info…I may contact Sunlu…or not…thanks

From my limited knowledge, PLA+ depending on the manufacturer can be way better than standard PLA in my experience. It’s still easy to print with but can have higher temperature resistance or other benefits. PLA can easily deform if left in direct sunlight, I’ve found PLA+ to be more resistant and I always get PLA+ over normal PLA now.

Thanks…I did some research and your info is spot on…thabks