I used to just export stl files from Fusion and in most cases the faceting in stl exports wasn’t an issue. Once it did get get important for a model I selected high refinement when exporting and that worked well but on large prints you could still see faceting.
I tried exporting step files but one model part had errors in the export (probably Fusion) so I went back to stl and tried “custom” refinement with the error set to minimum. Prints are beautiful now! File size blew up a bit - almost tripled in size.
Here’s an example. The top part of the print is what wouldn’t export as step without errors. Here it is printed from the custom refinement stl with the setting at minimum error level. Smooth as a baby bottom!
If you are having issues with facets on your prints and building them in Fusion, check refinement when you export.
It’s mind blowing, I can’t stop looking at it. I’m thinking back to things I printed in the past that I thought were smooth…but they weren’t, not like that at least.
It really looks like it was sanded. It surprised me. 0.2mm layer height (not adaptive) and Bambu light gray basic PLA on an X1C. Blows me away too. Curious how it will look with silver silk now. And stl and not step which protects the models slightly more from model-stealing/“remix” I hope.
Mich würden mal die Einstellungen interessieren die sie bei der Benutzerdefinierten Vefeinerung einstellen. Ich nutze auch Fuision aber bei Runden Objekten habe ich immer Facetten, ich habe die Verfeinerung schon auf Hoch eingestellt. Wäre es möglich das sie mal ein Screenschot der Einstellungen hier Posten.
Gruss der Garfield
I would be interested to know the settings you use for custom refinement. I also use Fuision but with round objects I always have facets, I have already set the refinement to high. Would it be possible for you to post a screenshot of the settings here.
Instead of high, use custom. There’s a slider as the amount of error permissible. I slide that all the way to the left (minimum error). That minimum error value changes depending on the model so can’t give you an exact value. All the way to the left gets you minimum error you can get though.
Not at my Fusion computer right now but will get a screenshot later.
The head upper and lower are almost 400g each, and I have silver silk on hand (from the Clausometer) but thanks for the offer! I couldn’t ask anyone to try printing that much just to test.
I haven’t messed with the other settings, @Garfield - just the Surface Deviation value by sliding it as far left as it would go. And just to reiterate, the minimum value I was able to use in the export changed with each model but full left is what you want.
Thank you. That did it. I just didn’t see that 3D Print choice on the main menu. I kept digging in the manufacturing menus. It’s funny, my work around was to use the step files like you mentioned. But that has been erratic for whatever reason. I only ran into this with a really large print. My friend has to print a full size WW1 aircraft engine for a museum.