Gaps in the first layer at a certain position

My X1C actually prints well, however, I noticed something negative during a first layer test.

I printed an area of about 200x200mm, with a height of 0.2 mm. I noticed that in the front center area of each print, there are gaps in the printed lines. On the photo I put a yellow print on a black background, so you can see it well. All other areas of the print are flawless.

I tested with:

  • PLA and PETG
  • different temperatures
  • different flow rate
  • tried both BambuStudio and Orca

The following was done on the printer:

  • Manual hotbed tramming according to Bambu Lab instructions.
  • Calibration process run through
  • ABL each time
  • Print plate and print bed checked for unevenness
  • Tried coolplate and engineeringplate
  • Print bed checked for flatness with a DIN875 angle (OK)

My guess is that something is wrong with the ABL. Does anyone know if there are any problems here? Support has only recommended the above steps to me so far.

Yes, it looks like ABL is not able to compensate fully for imperfections of the printbed or creates own imperfections there. According to Bambu Lab, they are already working on a better version of ABL that will be able to handle the outer areas of the printbed better. It should ship with the next or one of the next firmware updates, but there is no due date yet.


I suspect so, too, because the print bed at this point is not deeper than in the surrounding area.
In the meantime, I have changed the flow ratio for the first layer from 1 to 1.1, then it works, but then the filament jams in other places and waves occur in the first layer.

Hopefully the bed levelling will be improved.

Does anyone else have any tips on what to try?

Move your print head to the position on the build plate and take a look at the bowden tube. It looks like under extrusion, and that location may be binding the tube up, ergo binding the filament.

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Ho! what a great observation !

More like a WAG

And here is the pointless text to fill the 20 character minimum to post

I also have a little change on this area on first layer (not as much as OP, but somethign is visible) and I know that it does not come from the bed, at first I was thinking of temperature that is a bit lower at this location due to the tab but your idea on PTFE bending is a new way to look at the problem and it make sens.

Thanks for the tip. I have just pushed the print head in that direction. It doesn’t look like the filament is obstructed. Now I’ll print again without AMS but with direct filament feed and see if it works.

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That is the one place that it looks like the perfect radius for the tubing. Odd.

The one thing that did catch my eye is the rotation of the fitting on the tool head. Might be putting a twist in the filament.

Did you ever figure this out? Im having the same issues and its driving me insane!

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Same here Brand new A1 out of the box and it had lots of problems with first layer with gaps. Tried everything so far. Its randomly better then worse.