Getting a text-based logo to print solid?

So I’m having trouble when I print logos made up of text/fonts. The printer doesn’t fill in the writing properly and I’m left with tiny gaps + holes in it. Ive tried using 100% infill but it makes no difference. I can’t understand why the top layers don’t provide full enough coverage? Anyone have any tips? I’m using Optimal (0.16) setting, but I’ve tried it finer and still same issues. Very frustrating as I’m wasting so much filament on it.

Can you post a Pic of the print as well as of the preview in the slicer?

Additionally - what font size you have and what preset you are printing with? I found that - especially with fonts - arachne instead of classic mode provides a overall better result depending on the font size.

Hey, so this was my attempt with 12 walls and zero infill thinking it would make it 100% solid but still gaps

The sparse infill density is only for the internals.

If you’re having gaps in the top surface, try switching from Monotonic Line to Monotonic. Additionally, try top-surface ironing if the former doesn’t give you joy.


Ah I will try monotonic thanks, I’m just waiting for another test to print using Arachne wall generator

Yep I second this. Use Ironing. It runs the nozzle slowly at a reduced temp over the top surfaces and does a slight (default is 10%) extrude to fill in any gaps.

You may have to play with the % sometimes 10% is too little and sometimes too much, varies with the plastic and also the model so it can be tricky but works great when dialed in.
Edit: it was suggested already … Duh.

Points for more detail, though :slight_smile:

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My curse / super power. I can say in 50 words what others say in ten.

So I already tried ironing and various % from 10-20 and that didn’t work, just ended up giving me a lumpy top layer from over-extrusion

What did work though was Arachne wall generator… check this out lol

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That looks excellent! I generally find I have to go down on the Ironing %.

BTW - Are the letters solid or is there infill inside them?

EDIT: The reason I ask is the infill pattern can drastically affect the top layers, even if you’re doing 100% since it has to do with how it’s laid down.

Here’s a great reference on the different infill patterns, well worth the 5min read. :slightly_smiling_face: Bambu Studio and OrcaSlicer are both based on Prusa slicer.


Yeah I used a 15% Grid infill on it, but I’m not sure what difference that made because I could tell straight away in the slicer it was going to work because the logo layers were showing as pretty much solid every step of the way. God bless Arachne!

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You might also try detect, thin walls. You don’t have that box checked, and sometimes that creates gaps in perimeters as well.

Hey, it unchecks that when you use Arachne mode

Yes it does as Arachne mode handles the root cause of that error and does a better job of it, as well as other issues.

Arachne tech comes from Ultimaker’s Cura slicer, which like Bambu Studio is ‘Open Source’ so the code can be used freely.

Here’s a great read with good pics from the announcement of Arachne, it’s a good read:


Wiz ive been struggling with this, my logo is much smaller and Arachne doesn’t do anything for me, i tried everything Flow Rate Temps, Infill like you etc. Im running a test now but FYI, If you slice it with only 1 wall you will see that it can actually fill the gap rather than squirt one line in and hope for the best. Its just come off and i have only 1 small hole as opposed to gaps here and there. Obviously small letter etc, larger stuff then i think Arachne will work

Printing with a smaller nozzle generally helps this also, if you slice the print with a .2 nozzle instead you will find that in the preview it gets rid of the lines and actually fills them in

I tried with my 0.2mm nozzle and it just does the same but finer. I have no idea why there isn’t a setting to stop the top part imprinting itself into the base object. Just seems odd we don’t have control of something other slicers seem to do as default for you? Maybe I’m missing something.