Gift Vouchers - Out Of Stock

Anyone else experiencing the UK gift vouchers being out of stock? Not sure how a gift card can be out of stock…

Nope. I don’t see that. When does it tell you it’s out of stock? Can you share a screenshot?

Yes, when I redeemed more than 10, it said ‘currently unavailable.’ A few hours later, it worked again. Just try again a little later; it should work then.

Hum ok. I 'ever claim them in bulk. It’s probably some save guard to avoid some kind of exploit or something.

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I’ve only encountered this message that they’re sold out once, and as I mentioned, it worked again a few hours later. I assume it’s a security measure, or the key generator just needs to catch up. :sweat_smile:

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Another Brit, welcome.

I have redeemed 13 in one go and didn’t have an issue.

There is a hard upper limit on how many gift cards you can redeem in a single week. The limit is 6,998 points, in the U.K. that works out to just over 13 gift cards in one setting.

No amount of begging will get MW to lift that limit (personal experience).

I have never seen the out of stock message, although this did happen in the European store if I remember correctly (mentioned somewhere in the forum).

That’s why I usually redeem them one by one as soon as I can :slight_smile:

Yeah, it usually happens when ever there is a sale or new product release, but usually it just take a few hours until the release a few more.

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