Glue stick on Pei sheet

Is it required or, recommended, to use glue stick or other release agents on the Bambu Lab textured pei sheet?


you dont need to use the gluestick for the PEI

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it depends what you print
on cool sheet it is kinda “required” as it sticks to wel
on Hot Sheet ( Smooth PEI ) it is not used for PLA, but could be used with TPU or ABS
on Textured PEI it is general not used ( same as hot sheet )
on engeneer side it also get used depending on printing material

so it really depends what material you use on what side , the glue get used as a release agent to prevent damage on your build plate


Thanks all.

Tried it with PLA and it was not good.

I then noticed the option to select it in the slicer and that option has increased bed temperatures to the standard plate.

Tried again and all OK.

Not sure if you can select the build plate type at the printer or only in the slicer.

Only had the X1 C a few days and very impressed although the slicer print time estimates on multi colour prints seems way off to the actual print times so far

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For the last 6 years, 16 printers, all print surfaces, all major filament types and brands, I have used Aqua Net hair spray. It just works.


do you ever have to clean it off or just apply more? does it work on pei sheets or better on glass?

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its just normal cheap hairspray :smiley:
in normal cases you use it to adhere a bit better , but the cool plate is a little differend as it is a release agent
so this is one solution, basicly every kind of hairspray or any other sticky solution will work ^^

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again, do you have to eventually clean it off? how long does one coat last for? does it work on Pei sheets?


I treat it like curing a new cast iron skillet. I wash with warm soapy water about once every 15-20 prints. Dry it, and then spray it again with a light coat. I tell ya, it is the least hassle solution. it acts to hold when printing the first layer, and also doubles as a release agent for those filaments that want to bond to the build plate.


it depends, i mostly do not clean it and just apply a new coat after a couple of prints
or if the prints keeps sticking then i do not apply a new coat
if they start to come loose i clean it and put a fresh coat … it just depends how it looks after use

i also use 3Dlack instead of glue stick , and as long it does it job i do not need to replace it

and at this moment i switched to the high temp sheet ( smooth pei ) and that one does not need glue stick in most cases or i can use the textured plate and also do not need to use glue stick in most cases


Does anyone has tested 3DLAC? :slight_smile:
I’ve used it on many other printers and sheets it just works too!
But on the PEI Sheets by Bambu Lab I really don’t know :smiley:


yes i tested that one out , works perfect on the cool plate
i do not use any of those on the PEI plate/sheet as those are not really needed unless you work with certain materials

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You can find the info in the shop’s comments regarding the textured pei sheet they offer Bambu Dual-Sided Textured PEI Plate | Bambu Lab EU

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Dollar Tree hair spray called “Lady’s Choice” also works great. I use it on the cold plate and also the Engineering plate.

Yep, I did. Works at least perfectly on the cool plate with eSun PLA+

Ive been printing petg on the textured plate all week with stock setting, never used glue once and prints pop right off. The brim needs to be removed with the plastic pry tool

My experience with this glue was not a good one. Compared to the BL liquid glue it is quite „watery“ and does not give me a smooth, evenly coating but contracts to little puddles and droplets. Understandable considering I have been washing the Cool Plate with dish soap before. I also tried treating the plate with IPA afterwards but it did not make a difference. Here is a comparison of both glues applied to the same Cool Plate:

Green is BL liquid glue, red is 3DLAC (the rest is residue of 3DLAC from the previous print).

3DLAC also leaves a huge amount of unevenly spread residue on the bottom of my parts and it cannot be removed. While BL liquid glue also leaves some traces on the bottom layer, most of it can be washed away with plain water:

Left side is BL liquid glue, right side is 3DLAC

I tried again a couple of times but never got good results with this product. Therefore, I am currently sticking with the BL liquid glue (pun intended). Its price tag is insane but a single bottle gets you quite far and in relation to overall printing cost it does not make a huge difference.

This has been my personal experience, your mileage may vary.


I am having a similar experience now. But it’s weird because, I’m only having it now after replacing the cool plate surface with a new one. Previously, it always covered evenly and worked great! Now, its pooling exactly like your pictures. I’ve cleaned with alcohol, dish soap, and just strait warm water… nothing helps.