Hardened Steel Extruder Gear Assembly Prevents Jams/Clogs?

I got my P1S about 3 months ago. The first two months, it seemed I was getting some sort of jam or clog every other day, either in the printer or the AMS. It was no huge deal and I got really skilled at fixing whatever needed to be done (with some help from this forum). About a month ago I swapped from the stainless steel to the hardened steel extruder gear assembly, something I didn’t think would make much of a difference. When I swapped it out I noticed a lot of filament debris surrounding the stainless steel gear. Since I changed it one month ago, I have had zero clogs/jams with my printer, and I’ve been putting it to good use to (running it overnight on most nights). So I’m just curious, is this coincidence or does the hardened steel assembly do something to keep the filament flowing smoothly? Just wondering what everyone’s take is. If it’s not coincidence, then I definitely recommend that everyone swap theirs out.

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Excessive filament ■■■■ in and around the extruder is usually a sign of the actual gear(s) in contact with the filament being faulty.
Can be one side not moving properly, can be the notches/ribbing to grab the filament having too sharp edges,…
No matter the material of the extruder there should only be very little debris …

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After my first clog, with the stainless steel 4.0 I changed to a handed, since I had a complete hotted. I finding the excesses mourned the nozzle. but only when changing colours.
I didn’t change the extruder to a hardened, should I?
I was told It could be nozzle too hot?