Would you please share your settings for using the AquaSys GP. Does is stay dry in the AMS or do you clear and put it back in the dryer if there is a pause between uses? I have a spool in the dryer now that I am going to try and use.
I just used the generic PVA settings. The AMS can’t keep filament dry over the longer term, so I would return the filament to a sealed container with desiccant between uses, then dry it again before the next use.
Hiya, I’m new to this forum and I just wanted to comment here to say how I fixed my issues with PVA. I tried nearly every recommendation I have found online (not just for the AMS, but also what people mentioned for ultimakers and other dual extrusion printers). @cyrus104 gave me the idea to make a test print with just PVA and it worked just find, thats what really helped me find the problem. What I needed to do for my specific print was change PVA to be the support base and interface, instead of just the interface. The problem was that the PVA had such a small contact area with the PLA in a few spots that it would peel off and spaghettifi. It reminds me of why you would use a glue stick for normal parts with small surface area contacting the build plate. Same thing here, but instead it was a small contact area with the below PLA. I would love to see a way to increase the XY expansion of the PVA interface to increase its adhesion.
(I was using the polymaker PVA btw)
This is good information to have, thank you, but I really hope this isn’t the best way to do it. PVA cost so much and I was hoping to just have it for the interface layer.
I think the setting you are looking for is the “Base Pattern Spacing” in the “Support” tab/area. Set it to 0mm, and it will print a top wall like surface. That way the interface layer is printing on a solid layer. But… that will elongate the print substantially, time-wise.
These PVA settings worked amazing.
No, it would be best if you dried it after opening the bag.
Very true. I just experienced it myself. I dried my Bambu PVA, got a good print, and then left the PVA in the AMS with lots of dessicant. Nevertheless, it took only 2-3 days before it got stringy again and required re-drying. I am not sure even bagging it will be enough as any long print is enough for it to be a little damp by the end of the print and will require re-drying before further use.
As for drying, Bambu PVA has a drying spec of 80C for 12 hours. My Sunlu only goes to 70C and I can confirm that 70C at 12 hours is not enough but 18 hours seems to be enough even at 70C.