I am having some trouble calibrating this Sunlu PLA filament, I have previously used the calibration tools to set pressure advance and flow ratio well to set up good profiles for different brands of PLA.
So far I have ran calibrations for max volumetric speed, and pressure advance, and adjusted those values (see screenshot)
I am however finding large error when running the flow rate calibration, both for passes 1 and 2. To my eyes, -10 looks best but still is pretty far off and has significant overlapping near the edges. I’m sure I’m overlooking something here and am happy to post more settings if needed, not sure what other steps I can try from here to try and get this new filament properly ‘dialed in’
I guess I should mention - the filament is brand new out of the vac-sealed bag and placed directly in the AMS, which I keep fresh desiccant in that I refresh nearly weekly, so it shouldn’t have any problems with moisture or need drying.
Pick the sample that is the smoothest in the central area, with no gaps, lowest ridges. Don’t worry about the edges for this test, I think edge smoothness is more about pressure advance (K value), which you will test later.
Of the first pass samples shown (bottom pictures) I would have picked -5, unless zero or +5 were even smoother.
The sample pictures in the OrcaSlicer wiki for this test might show the differences more clearly than the Bambu guide.
I don’t use the PA figure, but from the K calibration in Studio. To me your figure .01 seems low, most PLA I’m using hovers around .015 - .02 (both Bambu and assorted others). This may give you a better baseline.
You will have to set your filament and replace what comes with the 3mf.
I also prefer to add a brim as some filaments won’t stick properly if it is just walls.
Do not change anything for the object as then all will be sliced in a single speed.
Check in the preview
Don’t forget to set your max flow rate to 50 or so for this test and watch it happen so you can stop the print once it start to fail.
Silly me. I’ve been using the Generic PLA settings and get velvet smooth prints out of Sunlu PLA. That’s why I like it so much. I may have changed the temperatures, but I forget since it’s been so long. I fired-up Studio and grabbed the filament info for one.
I tried a simple test model with this profile and it worked great. Not sure how following steps for calibration messed up my profile so quickly and badly, when the main thing I changed was the max volumetric speed to 35 after doing a test that showed 35mm/s to print great with no issue