HELP- Bambu studio is cutting out the top part of the wing for teh Eclipson Model A. Here is a before and after pic and what setting im using:
Hi @user_2110709527,
If your problem is with the top surfaces, as shown here:
The slicer works as expected, as your settings indicate no top surface layers. Just turn off that setting, and it will work. If that is the case, it seems better to flip the print.
If I miss the problem, please make an arrow pointing to the missing part.
I would like to not flip is as it easier the prints the alignment flaps. Where is the setting I turn off?
Just press the circle arrow to return to default settings:
Note that at the bottom, you also have an empty layer.
With that model height and sustained only with one wall, the bed adhesion relies on the brim.
I cannot be precise if you need to flip; try to slice it with top layers and check if the slicer produces any alert regarding the overhand.
Edit: Your settings are identical to vase mode except for the bottom shell layers. Changing the top shell layers will automatically turn off the vase mode if that is the case.
I also have a different plane to print The piper J-3 from 3d lab prints. Should these settings work on it? It gets really squishy and easy to bend.
I also am printing the piper J-3 cub from 3d lab prints
and the opposite is happening. It’s filling in the fusagle when it should be empty
Any ideas on the Piper J-3?