Help finding flush level from white to black


Join me on my journey to find a way to print objects in black and white!

The problem, grey color when I print black:

I did several test, but I’m starting again.

#1 print

ultima prueba

It didn’t work.

#2 Desesperate values.

Printing now.

Black color: Jayo
White color: Elegoo


Any more ideas?

As I don’t know what more to try, I’m going to test it with blue/white, both Elegoo brand. I’m going to do this test.

Values are clear this time. I setup them on the slicer and now it’s printing.

I think I’ve found the culprit, JAYO! I need more tests but with elegoo pla it works.

Where is this calibration tool found? Also could you provide a list of steps to fix, I’m not sure I’m following the thread progress. This is an issue I’ve pulled my hair out over several times and it would be awesome if I can use your solution.

I did the same print only with elegoo filaments and didn’t messed up the colors with high other number: 700. My test was with blue+white. I ordered black elegoo to try it with the hope that perhaps it’s that JAYO is worse quality.

I don’t know what else to try.

I will publish it.

It didn’t work.

Even with 800 on purge. What I’m doing wrong?

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-06 163011

You seem to have a lot of trouble with this.

What seems wrong to me:
The change from blue to white starts directly with white, which means that the flush volume cannot have been zero mm³ (as your previous post lets me assume). Also a color break at just 75mm³ - like the change from white to blue shows - should only be possible with a long retract before cut active.

May I suggest this to you

  • Read it
  • If something is unclear, ask
  • Perform the calibration strictly according to the instructions
  • Report back here

A flushing volume of 600 to 850 mm³ for changing from black to white is usually what I have with various PETGs.
If you indeed find that black JAYO filament needs excessively more flushing volume, it would mean that one of the cheapest filaments would have one of the highest pigment loading, albeit be it just with cheap carbon black…

I printed 1 object with 999 flush volume for black and it’s correct, white is white now. I will try your test too, thank you.

The problem continues, I don’t know what more to try, I’m thinking about return the printer because anything that I try works.

Test object at 900, 950, 999 flush volume = white is white

I print an object, downloaded from Zou3d patreon.

White turns grey afer some black it is used. Flush volume was set at 900.

I doubled the prime tower volume and set flush to 999.

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-07 132213
Captura de pantalla 2024-08-07 132220


One more failed.

Just so I understand this correctly - if you print a test object the flushing works as intended and if you print a random model you want it does not?!

Do you by chance open the not working model from a 3MF file? → Did you look up or edit the values in that 3MF file? It may overwrite your flush settings to the one it contains.

Yes, the circle test object = works

Any object, don’t. Yes, I open the object using the 3MF file and then, change all the values to the same as the object. For example, now I’m trying with:

Black to white 800

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-07 180456

Print infill

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-07 180520

Extra Draft

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-07 180543

Without brim and nothing at flush to objects

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-07 180614

I will post the result in 1h or so. What else could I check?

Another fail.

Next print and perhaps, my last try before return the printer with a lot of pain.

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-07 182738

Odd, I see nothing out of the ordinary in your settings and have no clue why identical settings would not produce the same result regardless of the geometry.

Could you provide a picture of the pooped material your printer produces when changing from white to black and the other way round?

Do you have the impression that the grey becomes lighter the more flushing volume you define?
If that is the case, I would try a flushing volume of 800mm³ or 999mm³ but set the Multiplier to two. That way you could test if 1600mm³ or more makes it significantly better.

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