Help my printer is messing up

I have a A1 , and mostly the results are ok
But i try some fine stuff , like writing some letters on the table
Most small letters are not sticking on the table, so the filament will then stick on the nozzle and is getting messy. Also during printing an bigger object, the nozzle is makes himself dirty. Because filament is coming out of the nozzle when not printing , or sometimes just sticking on the nozzle and will will ruen the project

what im doing wrong

How are you cleaning your bed?

i remove all filament with a scraper( home printed)
and with a fiber cloth

or should i also use Isopropyl(alcohol), before printing

Pass on the Isopropyl, hit the plate with Dawn dish soap and warm/hot water. Scrub a dub dub. Rinse it with hot water, pat dry with a clean/new paper towel.

Bambu has a good wiki about this issue.

It’s really important to make sure you don’t touch the build surface.


ok i will try regular dish soap an paper towel
thanx , this could fix one issue

If you have trouble with an oozing nozzle you might want to dry your filament. Oozing is usually caused by too much moisture in the filament that boils out during melting, pushing extra filament out of the nozzle.


Mijn nozzle was blocked (clogging) last time , and could not clean it by cold pull
it was complete blocked at headsink level . i used a heated needle to pull out the filament and that worked . but still the nozzle is not clean at the outside, how to clean that?

I use a brass wire brush. Heat the hotend 210 to 230. Then you can scrub off the plastic that is stuck to your nozzle and your silicone sock.

I use these to clean my nozzles when needed.


thx i will buy them and try it