Help Required, Bambu Studio Slicing

Hey Guys would like to request some help in ensuring that the print speed is consistent across. Having this weird speed reduction and speeding up near the end of the print. Attached image as reference

In the Filament settings, under Cooling, there is a setting for Layer Time (Max fan speed threshold). Lowering this value might help by printing small areas faster. Might give this a try.

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Thanks will give it a try!

I have used different support profile and get quite a bad finish where the support interface meet. The Top Z offset are set at 0 for both print. Anyway to improve the finish?

The area where there is curve also look bad not sure why. Anyone can enlighten me?

If you have a 45 degree (or steeper) chamfer lifting up from the bed you should not need support. Curves (fillets) lifting up from the bed are real tough because they start out being an almost horizontal overhang. Convert them to chamfers if you can…

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Thanks for the tips! This files are off from printables not too sure if I can modify them anot. Any tips you could give for support setting that u can try to improve the finishing?