Tested a few filament dryers from Sunlu and Creality and they all make the impression that they are only cheap and half baked. Although the new Creality looks very good but it feels cheap and the LCD “touch” screen is a hit and miss. Very bad.
So what would you think if Bamby Lab will design and make a proper filament dryer?
With an informative display, real buttons instead of a bad touch screen and some sci fi design led effect.
I guess it would not only look gut but WORKS good and doesn’t feel cheap.
Please design it in the way the new creality looks as it saves more space than the Sunlu S2.
The problem with most filament dryers is they don’t actively exchange air to get rid of filament moisture the heat drives off. On humid days, if they do exchange air, they can even add humidity/water to filament. I started out trying to get a Sunlu S2 to dry better and had some success, but the underlying issue seems to be they need dry air pushed through them to let the heat do its work. Commercial dryers seem to do ok on low humidity days with doors propped open to get air exchange.
I’m working on a cheap air dryer and pump using various ideas some of us have bounced around. I’m waiting on a couple more parts to do a full test but am hopeful this can help a number of dryers. It’s just an air source and is pretty much guaranteed to work. The only questions are if the output air is dry enough and if it can run long enough to dry filament rolls. It uses hygrometers to monitor performance of each stage.
If it works like I hope, it will be a small source of dry air to plumb into existing commercial filament dryers. I’ll know in a few days how it does. Last bits arrive tomorrow and Wednesday.
Biggest problem with most dryers is, that they are not able to use such high temperatur as the specification for some BL filaments requieres.
Every toaster has a case made of steel. And is still affordable.
Inbuilt dryer would be another thing to break and possibly cause more issues than solve. Think about the extra moisture introduced with nowhere to go (venting almost negates the drying effect), sealing the works up adds to cost and complexity. Filament temp relative to nozzle temp also may lead to a PLA nightmare when people crank up the heat on hot days. Nah, I’m happy with my external S4 even if it takes up a big piece of realestate on my bench.
Would just like to come in to give insight. The way the company works according to the CEO is they have a small ish team and they are currently forced to prioritize what to work on at the cost of others. It’s possible this is on their radar but simply put to the side so they can focus on something else. For example, a very large printer is on their list of things they want to do, but at the time they couldn’t work on it yet. Not enough resources.