Hide a designer

FEATURE REQUEST: Please add the ability to hide seeing a designers models. I don’t want to see some people’s models anywhere. Meaning “for you”, “all models” ect.


would be nice to have that

keep seeing someone upload hundreds of his two mins design everywhere

Currently, there is a feature to block models in certain category or models with specific tags.

Yes but I want to block a designer, not model categories or tags.


I have added this to our plan list.


sweet then i can get my feed cleared of all the low effort and hueforge junk


Hi Tanklet, if you can add that, it will be a game changer for those who don’t want to see the exact same toy x100 !
Thank you a lot !


A great suggestion and one where it would be nice to be rid of the insane number of variants of articulated XX.

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I dont mind the hueforge. I’ve found ones that I put on my wall and gave as gifts. Made a few myself that I did post on makerworld, at least one anyway that I remember. Some I see are pretty detailed and I can tell took effort since I’ve done them myself. However, some are just super basic and there are tons on the same subject, like spiderman. Same as any popular genre. I could do with seeing less dragons and fidget toys but that would be the keyword block or filter thing rather than a designer specifically.

yeah hueforge is complete 2d printed garbage to me, I have ZERO desire to print that and have blocked every form of the word i can think of. There are designers with exclusively yawnforge designs so this will help ensure i never see the garbage again.

The no effort page holders are yawn for me. Seriously, a circle with side wings. For some reason I’ve been seeing more of those.

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I can print 2d pictures on my epson 1430 in seconds… funny how you try to stalk my profile though to try to find some ammo to use against me, but it actually took some effort to design unlike you simply loading a picture into software and hitting print… I have very few low quality models and all 100% are my models not remixes or skadis/multiboard addons(seems to be your specialty)… I only designed that because I needed it, but keep being butthurt because i hurt your feelings… I stand by my statement hueforge is low effort garbage. lets talk about your low effort sign or your low effort x1c bed centering template LMAO

Funny how you have no clue what hueforge is. Hueforge prints and svg prints are two totally different things. Try educating yourself before you start insulting like you did.

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Until you hit whatever limit there is to the list. It’s that way with blocks and ignores.

Would be nice to get those bumped up in size where they can hold more.

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Make sure the uploaders who are being blocked don’t know who block them. Or they could retaliate by stealing models from those who block them, now that they know these creators can’t see their uploads anymore.


Oh, good point. Or leave bogus ■■■■ reviews on your designs.

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Of course. Blocked uploaders will not know this.


absolutely agree with this. I would love to be able to block some bigger creators that use AI generated / rendered thumbnails and 90% of their product images with only one actual picture of the printed model. I don’t agree with this approach and also find it misleading. But that is just MY opinion :wink:

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I have seen an interesting model in Maker World and would like to see other models by the same designer, but I can’t. What am I doing wrong?

In this example, click “Zammer 3D” then “3D Models” across the top.