
And in my darkest hour I request your support…

Well, 3 weeks ago I have installed the upgrade kit on my P1P. Bevore that, the machine performed flawlessly. No errors, so stuckups, working like a swiss clock…

I took my time. I followed instructions from the bambulab wiki. I didn’t took any shortcuts mounting the upgrade parts…

Well since then, my printing life has been an horror:

First 4 runs, 10-20 Minutes after printing started, the machine would freeze without any reason, would not react to any commands, except the for light ON/OFF.

Later, the printer after being powered on, showed the toolhead error message: HMS_0500-0300-0001-0002. I checked, and rechecked the toolhead and the MC-Board connections. It didn’t help. I contacted support, in hope of getting assistance…only to be getting asked around for about a week of checking and re-checking the boards LED behaviour, the cable, connections…as if I didn’t do it myself 3 times already.

After finally a week later receiving replacement parts, and trying to fix that thing, I am almost close to giving up…

The actual situation:

I have upgraded the machine to the P1S, selected “Installed the official upgrade kit”

After the error I have replaced:

-the toolhead boards, the ribbon cable between the front- and backboards - received from support,
-the toolhead-MC cable - received from support
-today, the AP Board,

The error still persists!

Today also I have ordered a replacement AP-MC cable.

If the bloody cable arrives, will be mounted and the error still will be there, I’m going to cry…

So, now the question for the community:

Have anyone encountered similar troubles?

I have replaced almost everything electronic except for the Camera, the front panel, the heatbed, the stepper motors and the power supply…

Any input would be appreciated…

Best regards:


I know nothing, but reading your message makes me wonder if your software update glitched and was corrupted. In the same situation I would get a new memory card, reset to factory settings and retry the update.

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Nice idea…have done that already…have formatted the original Lexar SD-Card, and the fact that I have replaced the AP-board today and the error still persists lets me think about an alternative source of error…

The only thing I have not replaced in the chain of error sources affiliated with the message is the MC-AP Cable…yet.

My questions resulting from that:

-Does anybody know the pinout of the AP-MC Board cable? May a single pin be defective and creating such an exotic error?(Occured while chaning the TH-Cable)
-How high are the chances of the AP-MC Cable being the culprit?
-Is there any chance of an overvoltage being carried over?
-Is there any chance of the two same parts from Bambulab being defective?

Addendum: is there a chance of the latest firmware update being the culprit? Is the MC-Board also being updated while the firmware update is being installed on the printer?



I’m not sure either, it might be your firmware.

May I assume you visited this wiki?

I can say this: even the most experienced person can misalign the connector, and you would never know by feel alone because it gives a positive “click” when snapped in, making you believe it is connected correctly. However, when this happened to me after upgrading my P1P, I consulted this photo and found that it was exactly the problem—I had the same error as you. It turns out the connector is not keyed, meaning it can be misaligned by an entire row of pins, with one row sitting outside the connector and you would never know it. You can’t rely on feel; you have to look at this photo and compare.

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You may have multiple issues you’re dealing with (hardware and software), but if you haven’t already, REPLACE that micro SD card with a new, high quality, name brand, freshly formatted card purchased from a trustworthy seller. There are a lot of fakes being sold online of dubious quality.