Homing Z axis failed. [0300 4000 093824]

OK… This may not apply to everyone getting the Homing Fail and Vibration etc error…
After spending 4 hours troubleshooting with a scope camera etc… I realized that the plate was awfully close to the poop shot inside. I raised the bed so that it was in the middle of the poop shoot. No funny sounds or anything along the way, no scraping etc…, However, I was not able to slide a piece of paper in between… That plate was secure. I tugged the bed forward and it moved about 2mm. And there it was! Everything started working as expected… Once I pulled the bed forward, I tightened the three “nuts” under the bed and made sure that the same amount of thread was exposed on all three without craning them down fully.

Hope this helps someone else out…

If you could tug the bed forward the six heat bed screws are not tight.

Setting equal amounts of exposed thread just establishes the starting position for setting bed height. You should complete the tramming procedure and then recalibrate the printer.


SAME HERE! 3 days in with this printer and it’s not going well… A1 mini and XC1 have been GREAT!.. C’maaan A1!!!

After about two months of back and forth with tech support, they are finally sending me a new printer.

I agree, I just got a brand new unit first time Bambu purchase. I discovered the exact same thing I was able to move it by hand and noticed it was snug probably just enough. I think the next thread after your shows the screws to tighten so I am gonna check that. Maybe Bambu has a quality issue during assembly with the screws not being tightened properly after alignment.

Thanks for that tip about the purged filament near the z screw. Thought I was facing a big repair but you saved the day! I’ll remember you in my will. How much debt would you like? :slight_smile:

One things to check when that happens (I have been struggling with it repeatedly over the past month) is if the bearings on the smooth rods are even with the top of their bracket, or if they have gotten pulled up and the bearing sides are visible. (It should be flush on both the right and left sides.)

If you had a waste collection failure and the waste was deposited somewhere randomly inside the printer, something in the latest firmware version appears to no longer stop when it encounters resistance and it will keep trying to crank the build plate down to it’s lower limit. The result presents as a build plate leveling failure of Z axis homing error. If you look closely when attempting to calibrate Z, you can just see that the tip of the nozzle may not be actually contacting your build plate, at least in some positions.

I recommend checking to see if the top bearings on the build plate assembly (smooth rods) are still still flush with the bracket they are press fit into. There is a process in the Wiki on how to resolve. When you follow it, check the other side and press it down too, to get as close to identical as possible on the left and right sides.

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I had this same issue. tried power cycling but wont calibrate or print. I checd plate and it is perfect. Nozzle did not appear to be obstructed so I changed the nozzle to a different nozzle I have. Problem solved for me.

Was exactly my issue. On the norm, I always check this but, Murphy’s Law waits patiently prior to pouncing. :eyes: I will not tell you how long it took me to troubleshoot. Let’s just say that combing the Bambu forums for a solution was ABSOLUTLY my last resort. :eyes:

Bingo! Many thanks for your suggestion. That fixed the problem. I had to remove the right side panel to align the linear bearing, but that wasn’t too hard (other than dropping those tiny screws). A glob of filament had accumulated in the well of the rod and pushed the bearing up. Cheers!

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I had this error to, and in my case it was a small piece of scrap from a prior job that had gotten stuck on top of the z-axis bracket and was preventing the plate from moving its full direction. it took a while for me to figure out that this was the problem.

Thank you all for the help, had this problem and saw it was me being dumb.

Build plate was crooked and raised

That was exactly it for me. Thanks for letting me know where to look. I hadn’t noticed until I was specifically looking for it. I’ve been printing black nylon.

So… if that is printer poop, the problem is constipation?

I’m new to this forum, with the printer (P1S) arriving only yesterday. That said, I received an error, related to the Z-Axis as well, and I discovered that I had installed the plate so that the rear of the plate was extending past the end of the bed, which caused the rear of the plate to lift a couple of mm. This was enough to cause the Z-Axis error. But, as was the case with others, clearing the problem did not clear the error. I had to recycle power to get the machine to reassess the status, and come back on-line without the error.

SOLUCIÓN. En mi caso, me salía ese error y era porque había un trozo de filamento de unos 5mm en la base de uno de los ejes y que hacia algo de presióna l bajar la cama y por eso el sensor daba error. mirar bien las barras elevadoras porque seguramente algo esta haciendo tope y no deja subir la cama.

Oh yeah. One tiny bit of poop near the rear Z-axis worm gear was givin me fits until I found the bastard thanks to you good people.

I keep trying to work out a way to solve this issue that wouldn’t cause other problems. The only thing I have come up with so far would be a slightly wider hole with brushes covering that crevice so that it would be harder for waste to make it in there.

Ideally a flexible membrane that would complete seal the hole around the shaft or screw that’s flexible enough it can deform into the hole when the plate assembly hits its bottom range.

Who knows - hopefully they come up with some design change that would prevent this on the next version.

I have the error code (0300 4000) on my a1 mini after replacing the hot end assembly and updating the firmware. Is there any way to backdate these printers

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Wanted to post an update. I ended up having to replace the extruding unit and this fixed my first issue. The second issue I encountered was my nozzle had some wiggle to it which caused heating failure. The cause was that I had closed the latch incorrectly. After realizing this thanks to a random youtube thumbnail, it is back up and running