Hot end thermistor reads 0

at first filament wouldn’t load, then I got heating errors. I replaced the hot end with an entirely new assembly, but the problem persisted. I disassembled the tool head and removed the back panel to unseat and re-seat all the cables. so it seems either a cable has gone bad or the main board. how common of a problem is this? so far no response from bambu support. as of now, I have a brick with no means to further troubleshoot or repair.

Measuring a thermistor is pretty straight forward troubleshooting first step. If you don’t have one, you’ll need a cheap multimeter which are readily available at your local auto parts store or Amazon and can generally be found for under $15.

The best test method is to remove the thermistor to test but there’s a shortcut that works just as well. What you measuring is the change in resistance compared to temperature. So taking the printhead and cooling it down first and warming it in your hand while taking the measurement is sufficient. The resistance will change on the meter as the temperature changes.

If the thermistor checks out, then the next step is the cable which is just simpler to buy a replacement from Bambu. At $14 for 3 each, it’s kind of a tall ask in my view but then you pay for the convenience. Especially considering that in any kind of volume, Thermistors can be had for 10-each/$0.01

If you’re feeling in a DIY sort of mood, you can simply solder on a new thermistor. Unfortunately, they only come in bags of 50 or more for $9. :wink:

That’s a cheap way of just doing a quick test. But if the logic board is at fault, then fortunately Bambu charges a fair price. In fact, why not just buy both the thermistor cable for $14 and the logic board for $11 at the same time and swap them both out and call it a day? You have to ask yourself if your time and aggravation is worth the $25. If you’re in the US throw in a spool of filament to hit the $50 min and shipping is free.

This P1P printer has gone through less than 5 rolls of PLA. This is a ridiculous failure for so few hours. As I noted, I replaced the entire hot end assembly which includes the thermistor, so it’s not that.

I’ve designed and built 3d printers (builds open sourced) for over a decade. I’m deeply familiar with the issues. But I purchased this thing because it’s supposed to be better and more user friendly. It was intended to be used by family members. So far it’s been nothing but a massive PITA (especially the software). And now this.

My 5 year old DIY CoreXY printers all produce better prints with less drama and a larger print volume. I have nothing but regret for the purchase.

Your experience is why I did not bring home a 3D printer until the P1P. I’ve had more experience in my professional life with SLA for part prototyping and on the FDM side I used to sell Makerbot products etc.

While I enjoy DIY tech, RepRap and its successors were too costly and time-consuming for me. The upfront investment was substantial, and my familiarity with motion control devices made me wary of the high maintenance involved. However, due to other financial priorities back in the day, like my kids’ college bills, I couldn’t commit fully. On the other hand, with the P1P I’ve spent only around a grand on filament in the last six months, with additional costs for upgrades and tools, totaling about $500 for my P1P printer. Most importantly, it was fewer hassles than a DIY and like I said, I had it out of the box and my first print in under 30 minutes.

When I first thought of getting a 3D printer, I had to decide between investing $2,000 in a technology like RepRap that requires constant attention and tinkering, or putting the same amount into a gaming rig, which I’m highly familiar with due to 40+ years of experience. If I were 20 years younger, I might have explored earlier RepRap devices when they were still experimental, but now I prefer a hassle-free experience. The appeal of the P1P was its promise of being ready to use out of the box, which convinced me to give it a try.

In short, I believe the P and X series, including the A1 mini, are not still not suitable for the family room despite their advanced stage. Expecting the average consumer to properly handle high-density sub .1" pitch connectors without tools as part of regular maintenance, is just courting disaster in my view. In my case, I call that having fun and I’m certain most of the folks here would feel that way too but for my wife??? Sweet Jesus… if I had to listen to her whine the first time she tried to replace filament, I’d slit my wrists… :joy:

Just try replugging the cable, might help.

Hi stewart,
I am facing same problem. Nozzle temperature not moving from 0 degree. I changed the full hotend assembly with new one, I also changed PCB where all the connectors are placed but nothing changed. I am unable to troubleshoot it as I did everything I can. I want to know if you overcome the problem, can you please tell me what should I do?
Thanks in advance

This is exactly what has happened to me. Replaced the hot end, TH board, checked all connectors. Did you start to notice failed prints and adhesion issues before hand?

One of these experienced folks may can tell which is which because I don’t remember.
But you can have either a short or an open connection and a low (zero) reading represents one of those. Either way, thermistors are dirt cheap so replacement is probably a quick option.

It has also happened to me, I have changed the thermistor 3 times for a new one. Paid for all the fixes. I replaced both boards, the cable, the hot end flat connecting the two boards and have replaced the display PCB as well as I said this has cost me. This is since sept 2024. No result except CS suggested I continue on.
Instead I bought a Qidi Plus4, beautiful.

damn… were facing same error with a customer here… all boards replaced all cables replaced we are really in doubt now what to do next :s waiting on the support but feels like were going in circles. hopefully we will get it fixed as it was sold to him for very cheap

Same problem here. Any updates from support