Is it normal for the small fan on the side of the hotend to run after swapping nozzles.
When I swapped nozzles from a .4 —> .2 and reconnected the plugs the fan started.
It started because the thermistor signal dropped out to 0 and an alarm popped up saying abnormal temperature. Powered down the printer then powered it back up and fan was off and stayed off.
Not a big deal and probably a good thing. I just don’t recall the printer doing that in past nozzle swaps.
My work experience with thermocouples and RTD’s when they failed they would go off-scale high or off-scale low
I can see where Bambu would not worry about high or low drop-out but just say “This isn’t right. Start the fan” because you won’t start a fire with a low temp but if it was hot, that is a problem.
It’s probably best to follow the wiki and turn the printer off before swapping anything electrical.
I realized that as soon as I plugged in the cable. Trying to swap nozzles quick.
Rushing is generally not the best way to do anything.
I swap nozzles a lot, because I mostly use 0.6 or 0.2 nozzles. It’s easy to change hotends in less than 5 minutes, but i don’t like the idea to connect and disconnect those fragile connectors a lot. I’ve decided to change the extruder to a Panda Extruder. Now it’s much easier to swap nozzles, and without powering off the printer.
A note of caution but the forum has many instances of BTT/BIQU causing electrical troubles with Bambu printers.
Bambu Lab has expressly disavowed any official relationship with BTT so if a BTT electrical/electronic product damages your Bambu Lab printer you may be out of luck trying to process a warranty claim.
I assume what you are using the E3D nozzle and that is what you are changing and not the extruder itself, which is still the Bambu Lab extruder. The extruder is above the nozzle. The heat break and nozzle mount to the bottom of the extruder
Thanks for your concern. I’ve changed the entire extruder for about 8 months now, and had no problem at all. Didn’t see so many complains about it. I love the way it makes my life easier changing nozzles. My printer is out of warranty period, so I assume will take the risk.
Well, the extruder isn’t an electrical part but I am curious what you changed because I have not seen a BTT module that is the drive gear, the housing for both the two gears as a unit. I have the BTT metal gears that go inside the stock Bambu Lab extruder housing. I’m very specific in saying the BTT ELECTRONICS is a roll of the dice. I’m less concerned about mechanical components.
That being said, I have my doubts as to the level of QA/QC BTT puts into ANY of their products. It is more about getting a product on the shelves. Rush everything onto Amazon and AliExpress and capture sales because…why not? They don’t warranty anything as best I can tell and there is a sizeble portion of the community who buy stuff and don’t even ask if they need said part.
In fact when I’ve said extruder I meant Panda Revo. It uses the E3D 60W heatercore, so it interferes a pittle with the electronics. I also have the PAnda Extruder. It is good to reduce a little bit filament temp in the gears. Panda Touch, for example, connects thru wifi, so is not directly connected to the printer. So, the other product they make that directly interferes with electronics is the LED.
I have these BTT parts:
I like this combination. At least for me, it’s being working fine.