Hotend fan works, but shows error: 0300 0300 0001 0001

Hi guys, can anyone help me with this error on my P1S: “0300 0300 0001 0001” online it says it means the front fan isn’t working properly or something like that, even though the fan turns on and off and runs just fine (when I manually turned it on from the stock screen). And the problem happened during a print☹️. I took the cover off and the connector is fine, I would appreciate some help.

The fan you control from the panel is not the hotend fan, is the parts fan. The hotend fan is that internal fan that cools the heatbreak.

I hate the connectors of these fans, that you sometimes think they are connected, but they are over or under the slot. Check yours.

last time I had this error (the print had failed and the front had somehow come off), to fix it I just had to plug the parts fan connector back in and it fixed the “hotend fan not spinning properly” error, were can you find the hotend fan on the head? I didn’t see it.

Thanks I’ll see if its being blocked or something like that

Thanks for the info all of you, it turns out it was sooo simple that I didn’t see it, there was a small piece of filament stuck in the fan just enough to stop it😂