Hallo ich musste schon zum 2. mal das hotend tauschen da es wieder am werkstück gekratzt hat… dann hab ich das hotend ausgetauscht und gesehen das es wieder verbogen ist… das gibts doch nicht…
Drucke hauptsächlich PETG…
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Hello, I had to replace the hotend for the 2nd time because it scratched the workpiece again… then I replaced the hotend and saw that it was bent again… that doesn’t exist…
Prints mostly PETG…
That’s insane. How did this happen? Bambu hotbed has multiple force sensors which should prevent issues like this, when nozzle applies too much force on printed object or against hotbed. Maybe there is a bug in firmware, which allows bending hotend nozzle in certain shituations.
Did you have video recording turned on when this happened? If so, can you upload it?
Hi, I tried bending mine straight and it works just fine. I compared mine to another bambu nozzle I had lying around and aligned it tip to tip untill it was straight on all sides.