How do I add, fit and re-arrange prints on the plate to fill it up?

Howdy mates! :slight_smile:

Is there a tutorial how I add downloaded prints, fit and re-arrange them to the plate?

I downloaded a bunch of files that belongs together, there is an additional file where they put all the stuff together and fitted them in one printout - HOWEVER some details stick out over the edges.
And I dont know how to fix it,
I am so green that I dont even know how to add from the single files and re-arrange them.
(They should undoubtedly fit and then some, the prints are not really puzzled together and leaves some gaps that could easily fit everything… but I dunno how :confused: )

Is there a tutorial for dummies that describes the process of adding and arranging downloaded prints on the plate?

I would REALLY appreciate your expertize mates (I cant even find a pedagogic tutorial anywhere describing this first basic step)

Love being a part of the community and hang here with you forummates,
may the force be with you’all!!!

Hi there!

First of all: You don’t have to fill the plate up. Especially when you are new to 3d printing, start by printing smaller things one by one. This way you don’t have to throw away so much if something goes wrong.

Second: Use this icon


to add a model to the plate. The, just drag it with your mouse around to place it where you want. After your first successful prints, explore the other icons :slight_smile:

Best regards, skyme.

Google is your friend

Youtube is your friend.

This should probably be moved to the software forum.

Hmm I tried to drag stuff around on the plate, however Im starting to think that everything is saved “as one” since everything follows when I try to click’n drag… hmmm
I am so un-initiated that it is horrifying :clown_face:

I tried to search the tube and google and I indeed found stuff, only thing they talked about everything else without touching the promised basics, haha

Well I got it assembled, installed and managed to print an internal file of the microscraper WOHOOO
Thank you Skyme for your help and hints!

Thank you BeegMouse!

I tried watching youtubevideos and google the topic and sure stuff poops up, unfortunately in everything I watched/read so far they managed to dodge the advertised basics, haha
So I really appreciate the link Beegmouse and I will watch it as soon as the builders leave my apartment (theyre knocking holes in the walls above every window in the apartment to put in ventilation… cheesus if I couldve opted for just open the window vents instead of them dusting my precious full of concrete and plaster dust… wish I had my g/f here so she could hizz and claw at them :sparkling_heart:
Actually I’m trynna watch it right now but maaan the sound jackhammering through the walls
:+1: :partying_face: :+1:

I managed to find 2 decent rolls of filament locally, one ePLA supposedly pla+? and one petg of the Northsomething brand, AddNorth?!? I see it is compatible according to the spool sheet (at least their PLA with the AMS)

I am so happy, I just wanna get printing instantly :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

My little puppy, Fleabag (180 - 192 months) seems more enchanted by the X1 than the Movieprojector, I have the X1 placed on the floor since I have not found a suitable stiff bench for it, so she takes the first row seat and looks puzzled @ the printerhead… (hmm I need to get better light inside so she can see better) But hey that dang dog, I wanna watch too!!! :flushed:
So now I get in to it so I can print out the downloaded stuff asap!!!

I would follow the earlier advice and do one at a time, however I need some parts out because of a tedious task that swallows 3-5 hrs every dang day, time that I want to use to learn and level up my dummie status in the X1 clan. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
So if I can only get this printout done decently - then I’ll have a lot more time to put in where I want it, the X1!

I agree with the above about a sticky tutorial, well actually it would be a very nice idea if a short series with a few episodes getting started with Bambu Studio and the software surrounding 3D printing. :thinking:

Thanks for the awesome feedback and provided links mates!!!

May the force be with you and your Bambu Lab printer!!!
/Silverbullit a.k.a. Tobbe

Yes, that can be the case. You can try this:
Right-Click on this “Multiple-Object-Model”, then select “Split–>To Objects”. This should brake them apart, so you can move the object independantly.

But, if I might suggest: Try to download some simple test objects first, like a benchy, or a calibration cube, and get used to the usage of the software. Print them and compare with images on the internet, if yours look good. You can find models on, or on, for example. Good luck!
P.S: Don’t be upset, everyone started like this!