How do I solve this issue ? Uneven layer lines at geometry change

Hello everyone.

I’ve tried several times to correct this issue but to no avail.

You can see uneven layers lines, right where the outside wall geometry changes. Has anyone experienced this as well and found a fix? Thanks.

I know there’s some serious warping but this was a test piece and the problem happened on the good one too, where the printed object didn’t warp at all.

Hi snigzou,

Is the question mark on the side or top of the print? Can you provide further details, such as filament type and if it is dry, calibrated, or using a generic profile and the print settings (e.g. are you using a standard slicer print profile or is custom), and a print screen sliced bad surface?

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Hello, thank you for your answer. Sorry I didn’t provide much information, terrible way to open.

Filament is regular PLA, calibrated using OrcaSlicer. Tuned the K factor and flow rate, as well as the temperature. It wasn’t dried, but came out of the plastic bag a few hours prior. I’ll try to dry it as it can come “wet” from factory.
The question mark is on the side of the print. Here’s a picture of the sliced model

I’m using a “special” setting I tweaked myself, never had this issue before with other models (or it was very mild). I’ve mainly slowed down the speeds and reduced the aux cooling to prevent warping.

With calibrated PLA and a tuned and validated print profile, I will insist on the wet filament.
You can confirm by printing an XYZ cube(e.g., Orca) with the same filament and settings
and checking the X and Y show bulges.

If the cube goes well, it narrows possible issues; I am not aware of your profile settings, but if you have not already tested:

  • print the outer wall first and at a lower acceleration;
  • if not working, test the other wall generator; also, if you are using Arachacne with custom settings tweaked Arachne tweaked settings are good or test the classic generator;

If nothing works, maybe the issue may be in the printed part. Are the walls solid? Is there enough filament between the question mark’s deepest and interior outer walls? Is the layer time and cooling fan speed adequate for the small print?

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