I’ve been on this site for over 6 months now and can not upload a print file. I either get the message “Print File Failed” sometimes I get " There are no files in the 3mf file" It may say objects, I don’t have the message in front of me now. I have been able to upload my models I have made but this happens whenever I try to add the first print file to something another person posted, and had printed it oiut and had stl and 3 mf files but nothing posted…The one time it actually allowed me to upload a file it posted it as my original file? Any help or ifdeas would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
This can happen if you’re using OrcaSlicer instead of BambuStudio to generate the .3mf file but I guess you’re using Bambu Studio.
I also had this happen to me couple times at random. One fix that worked for me was to start a fresh project, import model, copy over settings so things are identical between the two, hit “slice” and then save. Then MakerWorld seems to be happy with the file, despite both rejected and accepted files being identical…
It may also be the version of Bambu Studio. I know they are not accepting files created with the new beta version available, but that wouldn’t have been available 6 months ago. It could be rejecting older versions though.
I believe there is also an issue if you attempt to upload a file with empty plates or with parts not on a plate.
My usual advice for troubleshooting anything is take it back to as simple as possible. Start with a new project using a system profile and don’t change any settings. Add a simple primitive and make sure it slices. Then upload that as a private model and see if that works first. Then try adding the geometry. Then try changing settings. Either it will be as Johnny experienced and you will just have success or it will run into a problem at a certain point and know what is the issue.
I actually tried that out of frustration before I seen this reply and it worked. I figured I’d save the file in both .stl and .3mf from Bambu Studio before I tried to upload it, thinking maybe the objects were being lost by some wifi glitch. To my surprise it worked. Thank you for your reply. I never would have figured this out, I just got lucky.