Hi all! I’m new here and I got a problem. Hopefully someone will be kind enough and help me. This is very urgent problem.
I’ve created 6 models and uploaded them to MakerWorld. Having no Bambu Lab printer I’ve made print profiles for each one for Prusa MINI I use, relaying on Bambu printer users to create print profiles for their machines.
One of my followers sent me a message he prepared profile for one of my models but he don’t know how to upload it.
I spent like 2 hours trying to find option and then information about uploading profiles to someone else job but I don’t see that option myself and can’t find any guidance!
Do I miss something or it’s about trust level or something similar before I can add print profile to model not created by myself?
Bambu FAQ says " Find the model that your print profile needs to attach to. On the model’s page, click the “+Add” button in the “Print Profile” field. Then upload your 3mf file on the upload page."
I don’t have any “+Add” button.
Thank you Dr_Operator!
These dots are right behind “Copyright Claim”!!! I didn’t want to mess with them and accidentaly make a claim to someone else model so I did not touch them at all. What a missleading place for such a important functionality! They said “button in the print profile field” and this is outside of it…
Thank you again!
My own models have my print profiles. For Prusa MINI. This is straight forward job to add it (if model is yours this option is available from different place). Model without any print profiles got big “Add first print profile…” button in place of profiles. Easy job to add it too. In Print Profiles field there is no any “+Add” button for models with at least one profile. As Dr_Operator pointed, 3 dots behind Copyright Claims opens mini menu with option do add additional one. Location suggest it is for Copyright Claim options not for anything else, and I did not want to make accidental claim so not checked it. Thx to Dr_Operator I know now what are 3 dots for. Problem solved
While you were asking how to, 5 of 6 files had a designer Print profile for Bambu lab printer. Strange the print profiles were there while you didn’t know how to get it there. I find that suspicious. You don’t have to explain to me how it works, putting a print profile, I know.
I’d venture to say it’s because mkl3D hadn’t specifically uploaded a print profile beyond the initial one that was uploaded as part of the process of adding an object to Makerworld.
I’m not sure why you’re grilling mkl3D though like they’re up to something? They’re just wanting more info on adding additional print profiles.
P.S. mkl3D, I’m gonna add, use this knowledge to add prusa mini print profiles for other objects. Well, you don’t have to, but I always think it’s cool seeing the site used beyond just Bambu!
I don’t really know what your problem is. As a designer I go to my uploads, right corner of model picture, add print profile. Check again 5 out of 6 of my models have Prusa MINI “designer” print profiles, not Bambu Lab printers. The 6th model got Bambu A1 as the only profile, prepared by someone else. I explained why I need to know how to add additional profile. I did not ask how to add 1st print profile to model, I know that. What I didn’t know was how to add another one to someone else design not having access to “My uploads” menu. There will be not me adding it to my design. What is suspicious in that? Nevermind. Have a good day.
Thanks for good words Josh-3D! Yeah, maybe I’ll take your advice and really start adding Prusa MINI profiles for my favourite models So far we got like two worlds - Printables for Prusa users and MakerWorld for Bambu users. Hopefully there will be no fights like Commodore vs Atari back in the days!
While this answer was marked solved, technically Bambu Labs needs to still do one or more things:
update the FAQ so you can use the FAQ to solve this issue rather than finding this forum thread (not a great option because IMHO the UX is bad, but a quick fix for now… assuming people read the FAQ)
update the UI so the FAQ is accurate (to be honest, this is the best route)
improve the UI so that print profile stuff is not hidden behind those tiny dots next to the copyright violation link
I raised this to Bambu Labs in a ticket, and they suggested I post in the forums. If anyone feels this should be a new post to get the UI fixed, please comment or send me a PM.