How to change filament without an AMS

I have an X1C with an AMS, but also an A1 Mini with no AMS.

I generally use the A1 for quick prototypes, but I am also using it for TPU prints as the X1C doesn’t support the TPU I have.

I have an object where the bottom is PETG and the top is TPU and on my old Prusa, I used to just insert of a pause, change filament and carry on… And I would print BOTH materials as PETG and it came out OK.

But on the A1, its too fast and the TPU section is a bit ugly…

So I have been playing around and found that I can ‘cut’ the model into 2 ‘objects’. Then change teh bottom 1/2 to PETG and the top to TPU… And this is good…

But when I print it, it does the whole thing…

The only way to stop this is to find the layer of the material change and insert a pause, and this is fine.

But is there another way… is there the option make the print stop for a ‘filament change’ without using pause. I know its the same thing, but would just like to see if its actually an option.

Better still, is there a way to actually make the printer initiate a filament change, so it “unloads” when it pauses?

For now, adding a pause is fine, but I just wonder if there is a better way.

Paint it 2 colours, the second after the pause. Make that second colour print far slower in the filament settings.

OK… So “pause” is still the way?

Cutting it in 1/2 and then making the bottom half PET and the top TPU seems to work… I just wondered if there was a way to do the change without the “Pause”.

Two different filament types require manual manipulation ,

So I can’t just cut it into 2 objects and set 1/2 as TPU and 1/2 as PETG?

It seems to be working OK. I printed the whole thing in PETG and the whole thing in TPU, so I know what the quality should be like… And then I just did the cut and printed it like this (With a pause) and its come out as well as I would expect.

Somethign changes as if I mark the top and bottom as PETG and slice it I get one estimated time… And then if I change one 1/2 of it to TPU and slice, i get a different time… So there are some settings which change.

ive never tried to print one object in two halves , but i have tried to print one object with two filament types (old petg basic with pla basic) before it was changed for supports , it required a pause , but i would be interested to see how bambu studio slices two objects with different types of filaments at once
unless you mean you are slicing the parts on different plates

In the preview screen layer selector right-click menu (left click on the desired layer, then right click the ‘+’ sign) there’s a “Change Filament” submenu (it only appears if you have more than one filament configured) that lets you select any of the configured filaments.

Thanks… That helps… I did see that option, but couldn’t get it to work… But I just realised that this was because I had already ‘cut’ the model into 2 objects

If I go back to the beginning so that its just a single part, I can now do a ‘filament change’ instead of a pause… So let me do some testing and see how that goes.
