How to command printhead to the front/glass door

How to command printhead to come to the front.

Since i am having issues with filament sticking on the nozzle, i want to be able to clean the nozzle during a print by pausing. So is it possible when i pause a print to bring the print head to the front of the glass door so i can clean it? And then continue with the print

It is possible. You will need to slightly modify the “Pause at layer” to add a homing cycle to bring the nozzle forward. Details can be found here.

One thing about pausing is the head stays hot and some filament may try to drain. When you resume it doesn’t revisit a purge tower if you are using one but instead goes back to printing. Best to pause during infill printing or support printing since when printing resumes it can take a moment to restabilize.

Try drying the filament.
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