How to eliminate Purge

Hi guys I wanna know if i can remove the step which eliminates the old pla wasting it.
I don’t realy know the real name of this step, i think it’s is called purge.


please guys answer my question instead of only reading and closing the page. if you have the same problem let me know


Not by 100% but you can make it minimum by using purge models that you dont care about the color and other tricks. you can disable the purge tower i would not to make sure it builds pressure correctly but you can. You can adjust the purge amount flushing asmount down to minimums in the flushing volumes menu in the slicer. This will make it the bare minimum to almost 0 of filament waste.

I’m gonna try it. thank you because i had a lot of PLA wasted

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You can change the amount of material that is being changed between filament changes in a matrix in the studio.

Excuse me but if I don’t have the AMS and I print with a single filament, will it still purge?
It shouldn’t make sense since it only detects one filament and it’s always the same.
I ask because I haven’t tried yet.

I think it does anyway, I hadn’t considered filament cutting

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from where i can change it?


No single filamnet should not purge nor will you have a purge tower.

Excuse me but if I don’t have the AMS and I print with a single filament, will it still purge?
It shouldn’t make sense since it only detects one filament and it’s always the same.
I ask because I haven’t tried yet.

I think it does anyway, I hadn’t considered filament cutting

from where i can change it?

Tap Flushing Volumes Your table will look diffrent depending on how many AMS are connected


okay so this is gonna work?

okay so this is gonna work?

Yes this will remove allot of the purge. But i am not a fan of removing purge and its normal process like purge blocks. your going to see color bleed and maybe holes in the print if it cannot pressureize the nozzle properly most likly unless you add purge models to purge into but thats your choice.

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okay so i will try and see if it is a good idea. Thank you

See WIKI reduce-wasting-during-filament-change

okay so i will try and see if it is a good idea. Thank you

Here is a good video

thank you now I will stop wasting PLA :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

even better :slight_smile:

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I have an X1 carbon. I’m a new user, but I’ve already learned some. Anytime you change filament you’ll have to flush/purge at least a small amount in order to “cleanse” the extruder. That amount can be minimized by proper “unloading” of the existing filament by way of the onboard control panel. You can also reduce multi part printing projects where parts are different colors by “printing by object” where possible. Another trick to consider is using the flush as infill. This takes the purge material and layers it into the infill. This option is located in the prepare menu and is planned in the slice.

Hope this helps some. I’m no expert, but these adjustments have helped me on my little prints.


I have the same issue and I print mainly small objects. 2/3 of my filament is wasted on purging. Ridiculous.

None of the posts or video links provide a solution (that I can understand)

It depends on what you are trying to do if purging is ridiculous or not. The less purging you do the more you’ll print in mixed colors as you “purge” into your print. If you are printing white and switch to red you’ll print a continuous shade change from white to pink to red that will show up in your print. As long as you’re ok with the color changes and mixing as the purge happens into your print, you’re golden.

There was a person that was trying to print a switch button and had accidentally disabled the purge. The filament was swapping like it was supposed to but what he was trying to print was a small color area to make an icon on the button cap. It was so small he never got to where he could see colors start changing. It was an odd issue and luckily someone figured it out, but it’s a great example of where purge can be very important.

You can tighten up the purge some but its purpose in life is so you are always printing in pure filament colors. It’s pretty important in most multicolor designs. But if that’s not important to you, modify or just turn it off. You can also purge into support or infill if you still want pure colors with less waste.

And if you can design so that each color is an object you later assemble into a multicolor print, all the better - much less waste and it can be much faster.

Thanks, but I’m only printing in one color. Meanwhile, I found a button that disables the function.