Hi - I’m trying to make the first layer be a bit more pressed into the plate (normally would use live-adjust Z for this on a Prusa). Is there any way to do it? I’m using the Engineering Plate.
I found some other posts about it previously but there didn’t seem to be conclusive answers. The closest I found is this thread suggesting the way to do add Z-offset with code, which I am trying to do but the results seem the same - so I’m not sure it’s working:
;===== for Textured PEI Plate & Engineering Plate , lower the nozzle as the nozzle was touching topmost of the texture when homing ==
{if curr_bed_type==“Textured PEI Plate”}
G29.1 Z{-0.04} ; for Textured PEI Plate
{if curr_bed_type==“Engineering Plate”}
G29.1 Z{-0.02} ; for Engineering Plate
This was super helpful and more info and instructions can be found there: Printables
The error maybe related to the " sign. If you have copied it from the browser, it maybe replaced with a simular one. Try to replace the " signs by typing it with the keyboard.