How to make multiple top surfaces smooth

For me it still does it if I have a model with a larger top feature. That setting does improve it but does not eliminate it.

Your model has smaller lines/text so I don’t doubt that setting remedies it for you.

I’m going to download 1.5 and see if it works for me.

in addition to the ‘only one top wall’ === Not apply and the checkbox checked for “Only one wall on first layer” …

I adjusted the “Layer height” under the Quality tab to 0.25 from 0.20 and it smoothed out the top layer of my print (a coaster with a raised design).

So is there still no fix for this, ticking and untucking those boxes helped but as the print I am doing is with the .2 nozzle on a P1s it still shows with some lines and I am unable to raise the layer height that high. I am accustomed to just increasing infill to 100 on cura so I find it hard to believe that this is impossible

i have the same exact issue with a project similar to yours and no good solution in the slicer. i want “Only one wall on top surfaces” active becuse it looks like junk with multiple walls, but when i do that - the way it lays down the top layer lines becomes erratic (instead of left to right for example) and causes streaks stemming from the corners of the features that bleed though from the next layers up. There was a switch in my Cura powered Ender days to solve this. I forget what it was.

i did try "stacking " two prints in a multipart situation, but then it jams a shoddy “interface layer” between them.

i dont do ironing, becuse it’s too dicey to tune it. Nothing worse than waiting for a whole print only to find out that your ironing settings sucked.
The only decent solution i have found is to modify Top surface speed down to like 40 and top suface accel down to 200 or less. Printing at .16 kinda sorta helps, as well as variable layer height, although all these options will add major time to your print.

Have you found a solution in the newer versions by chance? Wanting to do this very thing and have been fighting with the machine all day and wondering if I need to go back and install 1.5 for these particular projects I’m working on

This issue is making it impossible for us to print high quality items to sell. The slicer shows a perfectly uniform surface, but the prints come out terrible.

2024-04-19 15_21_51-Stanley 30oz Topper Rose SILK

You could separate the flat part from the rose and then print it facing down on a textured bed.


Definitely could but that still doesn’t address the issue. Every one of these I print looks exactly the same, so there’s nothing random.

So if you just prient the single flat piece? it still has those areas on the flat piece? or only when printed with the flower on top. It almost looks like the printer is moiving the toolhead AWAY from the flower and doing it at diffferent speeds and such causing the different look.

Do you run throught the speed\retaction\travel stuff in sliced\preview at those layers to try and work out the toolhead pathing-and cooling\warming issues due to variable speeds - assuming you have already eliminated stuff like cold spots on the plate\headbet\adhesion or liffting etc - or some kind of wierd exculision zone aaround the hole.

Like you said its repeatable, so doubt it plate adhesion or simple things like thtat, something the pritner is interrepting the g-code or whaver and producing.

An odd one for sure.

Quite possible you need to focus on calibration of your filament, then fine tune your print settings to suit. Using modifiers in the slicer to slow down areas etc, not all prints are equal in dimension and hence one setting can’t cope.

Edit. Would’ve added pretty images but I’ve passed because of racial slurs

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Yes. If I print the base unit it is perfectly smooth. When an object is added on top, it does this. And not just this model. This has been plaguing me since I bought the Bambu. Every single object that we print that has a flat surface then text or something else, the slicer does weird stuff a few layers before the upper object that ruins the print. Bambu knows and ignores. We spent $1149 for a pro printer and we cannot print pro products because of this. And Bambu does not care. Many many open tickets.

It looks like it is using concentric top surface in your picture, but the preview rendering looks like monotonic line.

Maybe try deleting and reinstalling Bambu Studio. That looks like a software bug.

Are you using concentric surface for the rose? If you are, maybe your need to start that change a little higher up.

What does anything about the rose have to do with what is supposed to be a simple flat surface before the rose is even born? And it isn’t just this model. Bambu does this to EVERY print that has things on top of other things.

This is not a small issue for those of us who are serious.

Ticket after ticket, Bambu has no answer. They have no understanding of the gcode that their slicer generates.

Can you provide the file you are printing? I’d be happy to try and replicate your issue.

If you are using concentric top surface for the rose, as a separate part or a modifier, the slicer could have a bug that is applying the concentric surface to the base. If you change it to use a modifier to assign concentric top surface to the rose, but have to bottom of the modifier start a few layers above the top surface of the base, then it could avoid the bug. If my theory about the bug is true.

How do I upload it? Can I change the 3mf extension to something like PNG and you change it back? Would that work?

Because they display the images added, I doubt it would work. If you don’t have any cloud storage, you can make a dropbox account and then share the file from there.

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Discussed extensively on Github is a solution called “Interface” shells that is in the Beta:
