How to move model Below the Plate?

In Prusaslicer, I can grab the ‘Z’ Blue arrow and drag this model below the plate to remove the top layers that I do not want to print. But in Bambo Slicer, it ‘Bounces’ back up above the plate? What is the trick to do this in Bambuslicer? The only solution I found is to slice the Gcode in Prusaslicer and then drop that gcode in Bambuslicer. Thoughts?

Errm I assume you meant remove the bottom layers.

You can use the cut tool to cut at a specified height and only keep the top part.

This has been asked before, and the surprising answer is that you can’t sink an object below the bed in Bambu Studio/. As noted, you can cut the model at a desired height and keep only the top (or only bottom) part.


Thanks Man, that was what I needed to know, Oddly I didn’t find the answer on my search, arghh.
Makes a person wonder WHY was that removed from the code? Maybe it will get added back?

It is a puzzle, if for no other reason that PrusaSlicer, on which Studio is based, can do it.


I found this thread a few months ago after struggling with the same limitation and had reluctantly settled upon the cut tool as my only native solution. Imagine my surprise when I was fighting with a problematic model recently and (on a whim) I tried the same thing again and it worked! It seems that this behavior has been fixed, perhaps as part of the updates to the move tool. Reference v1.10 release notes:

15. Enhanced coordinate systems in Move/Rotate tools: Users can freely move and rotate parts within assemblies using World coordinates, Object coordinates, or Part coordinates.