How to paint?

I just got in the slicer this huge area in the color. But I only painted the cirlce, why is the slicer printing so much in the top?
The problem is, that it is very close to the top and its not complete covered with the needed color.

Then you need to increase the walls and top surfaces to make sure you covered it, should be part of your preprocess before you ever hit send

It depends on what exactly you have selected and painted with the brush. Try to avoid painting with the brush. Use modifier instead. To do this, extract the part of your model that you want to colour and save it as an STL. Then add this STL file to your model in Bambu Studio as a modifier. You can then change the size of the modifier and see what effect this has in the preview. This is more accurate and you get the desired result. Another option would be to divide your model into objects in Bambu Studio. If you have assembled your model from individual objects in CAD, this is possible. You can then colour the individual parts.

Thanks. Its a prebuild STL File, I cant divide into objects.

So, its probably not possible to extract this part. At least I don’t know how.

Yes, painting objects is what I am doing with self created models also. Best and easiest way.

I did not hit send. And to avoid to add more top layers, I would like to reduce the unneccesary use of the blue part. Its only needed direkt around the solid circle.

If this is a round circle, you can add a cylinder as a modifier. Then rotate the cylinder and resize it so that it exactly covers the area you want to colour. Then change the filament colour for the modifier.

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You should be able to use the paint bucket icon, reduce the threshold and just paint that circle. I believe it won’t paint under the top layer.

I did. Its not painted, but the slicer increases the area inside the model.

@KanneKaffe Good Idea, will test.

If I paint a model from the side on the surface, the colour will extend about 50% into the depth of the model. If I paint the model from above, only the top layer will be printed in a different colour, but only the painted area. You may have to paint the model again, i.e. delete the entire painting or re-import the unpainted object. Place a colour dot on the surface and take a look at the layer result.

You can colour areas of different sizes. If you switch to a very small brush, you will only colour in facets with one method; with a larger brush, you will colour in larger areas with the same method. You may inadvertently colour in areas that you cannot see and this will only become visible in the layer view.

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I will give it a try, thanks a lot!

Whow, I figured it out.
After several tests I found the issue. Very small holes in the model which are also filles by a too high angle in the edge detection. After I located them and went carefully with the paint all was fine.