How to print all inner walls first, then all outer walls

In Bambu studio you can change the print sequence of inner wall/outer wall/infill.
But it will print all of these walls/infills for each segment, for example the column between the two openings in the picture.

I would like to give the filament for the inner walls some more time to cool before the outer walls gets printed.

Is this possible?

Process - Advanced switched on
Quality Tab /Advanced/ - Order of Inner Wall / Outer Wall / Infill Dropdown box The option you want is there as infill first

Any of those options will finish all walls for each segment or ‘island’ first and then move to the next.

I wondered, if it can do all inner walls/infill of the whole layer first and then all the outer walls.

Not that I am aware of. Someone with more experience may know. I don’t think you need that much cooling time before the walls, if anything turn up the aux part cooling fan past 70%

You might play with Wall Generator > Arachne or Classic. They are the two slicing engines and they can have a big impact on what gets printed when.

I need this feature too.

I am trying to print 3 small objects (exactly the same) at the same time. So the printer is finishing one full layer of one object (inner and outer walls) then it jumps to the second object and then to the third object

What I want to do is to print the inner walls of the first object, then the inner walls of the second object then the inner walls of the the third object and then move back to the first object and print the outer walls and then to the second object and then to the third object.

The reason why I need this feature is to allow for the inner wall filament to cool down so that when the nozzle passes again next to the inner walls to finish the outer walls, the filament doesnt get dragged and stick to the nozzle.

Also please note that due to the small size of the object being print the speed and flow is very low, maximum flow is 2.43mm3/s and speed is only 11mm/s. These values are when i am printing only one object.

When I print three objects together the flow is between 3.65-4.87mm2/s and the speed is between 34-54mm/s2

Hey there, curious if you found a way to do this successfully? I am encountering a similar issue, trying to print several things at the same time, but because of the way the toolhead transitions between objects, the filament has not sufficiently cooled enough, so there are the occasional artifacts. Would appreciate any shared findings on how/if you have managed to alleviate the issue.

As far as I know, no news on this. You can’t even tell the slicer to print all internal walls first before going to the outer walls. It finishes all walls of each islands first (see picture of me secon post).