How to print faster?

My prints are taking 30 minutes and I am trying to find the easiest way to speed them up. I don’t care for quality, mostly speed. I feel like I am missing an easy setting to fix this issue. I’m happy to buy a new nozzle but don’t think it will cut my time in half. Optimally Id like to be printing a unit every 10 minutes. I have tried reducing infill, anything else I should try?

If you do not care for quality, get a 0,8 nozzle. Set max volumetric flow as high as you can without getting heavy underexstrusion. You might also increase layer height a bit if the flow can keep up with that.
Depending on the object and its size and shape, increasing acceleration values will also speed up.
Also, for small object, reduce the layer time in the filament settings.

Also check out the thread on reducing the startup time:


My understanding is most materials wont gain more than 15% speed with larger nozzle due to max flow rate of 35mm/s for most materials

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35 mm3 is alot btw. most profiles are limited to much lower. printing 0.8 nozzle with 0.5 layers
reduce your perimeters if possible. reduce your infill. crank your temps…eleminate any supports. if items are very small… maybe print a few at a time so it doesnt slow down due to short layer times

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Even a 15% increase in print speed is already quite a lot. It really depends on the material, but large nozzles with fewer walls mean less print time. All you can do is try out and tweak the settings as good as you can for the filament you use and items you want to print.


On Filament settings Uncheck “Slow down for better cooling”
On Filament set Auxiliary Fan to 100%
On Speed settings Uncheck “Slow down for overhang”
On Strenght use “Lightning infill” (fastest) with 5% to 10% ( parts may be a bit brittle :slight_smile: )
On Quality use Archne for Wall generator (this avoid gap filling)
Set only two walls, two bottom & two top

Put your object to print to the left of the bed, just in front of auxiliary fan.

Set speed faster than needed, so you will only be limited by filament flowrate, here is an example for my daily profile, 0.4mm nozzle, 0.28mm layers height & filament flow 35mm³/s (I have just limited a bit outer surfaces but if you dont care about quality, set the same as other 400mm/s):

For small object you can also try to increase outer wall acceleration, but this will not have a big effect on bigger part. .