@3DTech I’m at a university trying to help someone print in this filament. Printers he currently owns are not consistent. He wants me to do a test print for him.
I have my own X1 Carbon, but since it’s my sole baby at home, I’m hesitant to make all of these changes since she is running almost all the time doing other filaments–i.e. I can’t have the downtime to try for him, so
he’ll buy the bambu or whatever will work for him to reliably print the chinchilla TPU
we will pay for someone to print us a small file (like a little cube) in this filament.
Person trying this is really trying to make a difference for humanity if that helps sway you at all.
I stopped printing Ninjaflex TPU on the Bambu Lab X1C. After several attempts and failures I switched to BL TPU and the first failed print is yet to come.
i have all modifications on the extruder and using external roll , printed down to TPU 64/63 , no problem with the eSUN elastic TPE 83A and the other hardness’s 83 and above , but stopped using it as it was a bit of a mission initially and every time is a bit of a hustle for really soft and then i forget to tighten the tensioner and the next print with ABS/ASA/PETG fails . Also it is quite slow for soft materials anyway so much better using some other slow printer . I use PrusaMk3s+Revo and MK4 for soft TPU, 0.6 nozzle is better but have no problem with 0.4 and never switched to 0.6, if you ship the required filament no other charge i can print it for you on both MK4 and try again the X1C , and i have available TPE83A if not too big can print it for free with it. Here is a print with Esun elastic TPE 83 with lightening support on MK4 and the flat is actually the top of the model not on the bottom with 0.4 nozzle
**I think if he has almost any okish 3D printer with direct drive he can be tuned to print TPU fine just make sure that Tensioner is relatively low ( just enough) , The filament is dry, retract and detract speeds are very low and E speed is also very low ( depending on how soft it is can be down to 3mm/S) , and print speed is slow like 20mm/S and the material flow /and K factors are calibrated K not so important as the speed is really slow but helps , nozzle with Mk3S noticed that preffers 0.6mm but with Mk3Revo/Mk4 and X1C ( high flow ) 0.4 looks ok **
Top Side - really great result
Lightening Support from inside can’t remember the percent but i think was 25% as i do the percentage based on the slicing and model and review before print
Hello everyone printing 85A with bambu printer . I wanted to give you some feedback from my experience. My TPU prints with ninjaflex are going fine (despite a few nozzles clogs). I printed around 30 rocks. However I’m also working with this ArianePlast 85A which is terrible. I had multiples clogs and couldn’t figure what happened. One day, the filament got stuck and I noticed a big blob BEFORE the PTFE tube. (see picture below). After that, I kept printing with those spools (I have 5x 1kg to use…) and after most of the failed prints, I could mesure a diameter of 2mm++ instead of the expected 1.75mm… Also, by just rubbing my finger on the filament I can feel how unconsistent it is in general.
hey so i tried to try this profile and got this error message any idea how to fix it it seems to be an issue with the gcode but i direct copy and pasted it this is in the current release of orca slicer
@vladimir.minkov - I just purchased the eSun Flexible TPE you mention. Having a difficult time and don’t want to modify my printer physically like you mentioned. Are the above settings working good for that material? I’ve tried a few suggestions, but still struggling with print quality and layer adhesion.
running X1C with the latest firmware BambuStudio
@JoeyK i did modify as there were initially quite a few clogs especially with retraction, but most of it was related to E speeds/acceleration and retraction speeds , also it squishes the filament quite a bit unless the tensioner is released which may cause a bit uneven flow in some cases especially with retraction
TPE needs to be dry very often comes wet from eSUN
flow needs to be around 1.0 to 1.08 more often i have around 1.06-1.08 - E-sun varies from batch to batch - best is to calibrate it( try it) . But K factor does not change once tunned
Automatic flow ¶ K factor is not good always - as i stopped using the X1C for TPE, i have not calibrated it manually and rare occasions i use it using auto flow. But strongly recommend manual calibration if used constantly for higher quality
Most Important Print speed 20mm/S max , you can try higher but this is the speed i found do not need to warry , on the MK4 i print up to 45-50mm/S
E Acceleration no more than 500, E speed, re-traction, de-retraction max 8mm/S
volumetric speed - 3mm3/S
leave the printer door a bit open
Never had adhesion Layer adhesion unless printing too fast or under extrusion
Also the E-sun Print temp is a bit higher see bellow
For good quality with TPE needs the flow and K to be well tunned with dry filament- as well slow speeds
As I have not printed TPE on the X1C for a while , just started the benchy with bellow parameters and if i see that something changed will update you
And compare it with the other prusa printer which is well tunned for eSUn TPE 83 elastic , no enclosure
EDITED: @JoeyK from the last settings , i changed the flow from to 1.06 ( but 1.08 worked as well) disabled completely the PA(K) M900 K0 in filament start g-code no autoflow . it looked acceptable , on the 3d print with a few under extruded lines 3 out of 128 .
Tested with out modification and with the mod ( releasing the tensioner) do not see major difference. With out the modification i see a few more under extruded lines but that may be related to not ideal position of the roll and disabling the retraction will sort it a few more hairs but that can be easily cleaned
The main problem with the first 2 prints was no layer adhesion and under extrusion after the first few layers. The actual problem is that eSun TPE is very elastic
so if even a small friction in the path will make the filament thinner and under extrusion as a result and bad layer adhesion. So i suggest you try print a cube , and remove the top and bottom layers and just 2 walls and once you are happy then print the model. Make sure that you have minimum to no resistance of the Filament and a bit more prominent when the role is full
This is not layer adhesion issue exactly the TPE has a problem if under extruded and you will see in the cubes like small lines , once printed properly is quite rigid
I did change the position of the roll to minimize the friction and that sorted the 3d print and 4th print, but in my case still not ideal as my second printer in the way now and too much effort to do it properly just for that
Thank you - I had ended up working with the Volumetric speed and reduced to 2.8. Was still having some issues and read about the stretching coming from the spool. I unloaded a large amount for zero resistance and my print went from spongy/no adhesion to nearly perfect. I will be working on a zero resistance spool holder today and see how everything works out. Amazing write up, I am very thankful. I am working closely with another user who has the Ninja Flex Chinchilla 75A, he is having the same problems as I am. Because of this discussion, we will both solve our issues!
Just wanted to say thanks to @3DTech for posting this. I have never run TPU and am very new to Bambu, but my first print was almost perfect. Thanks for saving me from having to learn the hard way!
I have good success with Siraya Tech Flex TPU Filament - 85A Shore, which is available on Amazon in the US. I used their recommended settings (Siraya Tech Flex TPU 85A User Guide: Mastering 3D Printing Flexibility) and their suggestion to feed the filament directly into the print head, bypassing the tubing.
How do you go about using the 0.2 nozzle to print TPU in Bambu Studio? The only way I was able to have mine function was to create a custom material profile with the baseline PLA basic settings on the 0.2 nozzle, then adjust all setting from the normal 0.4 nozzle settings from the TPU 95A stock settings under the 0.2 machine setting. Surely there is a better way to go about this.
I did everything listed here but when I slice the file I get the following error:
failed to generate g-code for invalid custom g-code. change_filament_gcode parsing error at line 18: referencing a vector variable with a negative index {if long_retractions_when_cut[previous_extruder]} ^ please check the custom g-code or use the default custom g-code.