How to purge more filament on a print start?

If there is a way to do this, I haven’t found it yet.

My last print on my A1 was with red filament. I spooled up a new print that would be with white filament. As the print starts and it changes filaments and purges some with the new filament, it does not purge enough. So when my print starts laying the first layer, there is a red bleed for a bit.

Is there a way to purge more on a filament change? Much like flushing volumes on a multi-color print but just to start a print. I guess I could enable Flow Dynamics Calibration when I start, but that is “hacky” IMO.

Just curious.


What I do is before I start the print

  1. Select the new filament and then press load. This will load and purge the filament.
  2. Press unload
  3. Repeat if necessary

Most of the time, once is enough because since I unload the filament, it will load and purge once more when the print starts.

There might be a G Code method to do this, but I haven’t looked into it.

Enabling 1 or 2 skirt lines before the print will help get rid of any left over strings before the print starts.

Without AMS lite, when you load your filament you have the option to retry, and that will purge over and over. With the AMS, you can do the same thing from the screen, but with more steps. I just press on maintenance mode, heat the nozzle pretty high and then I go to control and I press the button down (up is for retract) on the extruder.

I don’t have your problem and it might be because I have a default multiplier value for flushing volumes.

I think people want this option to increase flow rate on before print purge