How to set filament change and flush temperature to a new value?

The X1 and P1 machines always set the nozzle temp to 250 degrees when doing a filament change and flush. Obviously setting the temp to 250 will flush the nozzle of the most widely used materials, however, Is it possible to reduce this temperature so as not to run into problems when attempting to process lower temperature filaments?

You would edit the printer preset and save as a new one. The line in the print start G-code you want to change is this:

M109 S250 ;set nozzle to common flush temp

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Thanks very much for the response! Where is the printer preset file to be found and what is the name of it?

You don’t edit a file - click the pencil icon to the right of the printer preset name and you can change it, then save as a new name.

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That gcode only is effective at the start of a print. How do you change the flush temp for ALL flushes?

Just edit the highest temp for the filament.


is it also possible to change the temp of the filament load and unload temp? sometimes i have issues with 250C and Sunlu PLA

That is what the Min/Max settings do. If you want to heat to no more than say 240°C during a change, the MAX temps for both filaments needs to be set to 240°C.

I already did that, I made a profile for Sunlu which I use an the Max Temp during printing is 220 but if the printer is finished and unloads the filament it heats up to 250 and then the extruder clogs. I need to change this temp as well I guess but I don’t know how :sweat_smile:

Above the nozzle temps inf the filament settings, there are settings literally called Min/Max temperature. It is these that are used during loading, unloading, filament change.