I notice if you look at the specs for PET-CF for example, it says the speed should be less than 100mm/s. How does one set that? There are a bunch of speed settings depending on what you are printing.
Your speed is set in the speed tab of the slicer. But this is not the best way todo this.
You should run a max flow test and adjust the filament acordingly at the bottom of the filament settings sheet. This will set limits to the max available flow so its never going to exceed the true flow of the filament even if you ask for un realistic speeds.
And please dont copy my settings from my screen shot i am running REVO Panda Nozzles on my printers. The stock system cannot keep up.
You can set the speeds to manual settings of what you want to cap them @ let’s just say you wanted to cap the first layer @ 40mm/s & first layer infill @ 40 mm/s speeds this is what you would do.
With PETG-CF you would set your max volumetric speed to 9.5 range with the sample settings below if you had a .4 nozzle installed.
Maximum Print Speed Calculator
With carbon fiber filaments you have to be careful on speed settings.
You should not use a 0.4 nozzle for any CF your asking for clogs extrusion issues and quality issues. 0.6 is the recomended size for all CF’s
Not all carbon fiber filaments need a .6 nozzle; it depends on the filament and the specs.
But yes that is the general recommendation if you don’t know the filament specs.
Thanks for all the hints. Yes I am using a 0.4 nozzle and finding that an upper layer over an infill is full of lumps. If I tear it apart, it seems that the infill (giroid) is not sticking at all to the layer beneath it. It currently has a speed of 430mm/s and I reduced it to 200. I’ll see if that helps.
I finding that all of the profiles except PLA are not great, and PETG is completely unprintable. I am using only Bambu filaments.
So i can say when i had the stock nozzles and settings for PETG and ePA-CF were spot on for 0.4 and 0.6 nozzles.
The only time i had issues was using the filament that the printer came with they were total trash no matter what the settings were. So i would not buy any Bambu Filaments due to the experience of the ones that came with the printer.
I Mainly print PETG and ePA-CF and I use Overture and Kingroon for PETG and Sainsmart for ePA-CF without any issues with stock settings.
So what is your Max flow rate set to for the CF ? And those speeds listed are way too crazy for CF. You should be in the 150 or less. And your layers should be at or preferably higher than 0.2
Well, you may be on to something. My Hatchback PETG prints perfect. Bambu’s makes a mess of any infill, dragging it all over.
I have had no quality prints from Bambu Filaments. And its the only time in my 12 + years of printing that i had such issues. Other than very wet filament when bags come leaking or not sealed properly
I love Bambu printers and their reusable spools, but the filamnets are another story. And the price is not worth it you can order KingRoon from Aliexpress depending on where you are at for less than 1KG for 10 dollars and the quality is great.
Yes lower your speeds down you are printing way too fast for that filament.
Is this a functional part? I would drop your speed even more; you can always test a slower speed out and see how the filament is doing.
Everything I read says to lower the speed! As far as I can see, there are many many speeds. Which one? All of them? Do I guess?
Or all I can see is the Silent, normal, sport or Ludicrous. All I can see in the filament settings is Maximum volumetric speed which is set at 8 for PET-CF. However if I run the calculator from above I see 4.8. Is that where you set the “speed”?
I will try it.
I really disappointed with the X1C. Only PLA prints well. All the others either do not print or have quality issues. I though the profiles were ready to go?
So 8 is the same Max flow rate that i have for ePA-CF so you should be good since PET flows better so keep that and try the following which is the speed i use when printing CF
Ok, used the calculator and for a maximum speed of 100mm and a .12 layer height it says I should use 4.8 as the volumetric flow rate. Now it is really (!!) slow. Slower than my previous Prusa. But if this is what is needed for CF that’s fine.
Why doesn’t Bambu do the profiles right?
No. … Nooooooo Your layer should not be smaller than 0.2 for CF … Don’t blame the printer this is all user sorry to say. I have 12 printers and My 2 Bambu X1C kill everything including my prusas.
And stop using that calculator its junk. If you want to know your printers flow you need to test your machine using each of your diffrent filaments in the flow test. That tool is not designed for Bambu Printers Nor the Bambu Nozzles Nor accounts for any changes its just a crappy guideline that you should not be following … Do it right or dont do it at all.
They even tell you "You may be able to achieve a higher flow rate depending on the filament, nozzle, and printing temperature that is used. "
And they conveniently left out extruder which is also another very important factor. Becouse brute force can also define flow.
Its just plane junk.
Ok. I think I will concentrate on getting the plain PETG working and order a 0.6mm nozzle for my CF filaments.
New to CF so a bit to learn.
Yes, CF prints perfectly but should be a 0.6 nozzle or larger but again you need to have a min layer hieght of 0.2 even with the 0.6 nozzle …
Ok, Thanks for that info. Will order a 0.6mm nozzle now.
Is it normal for pieces of filament to stick out of a flat surface? I looks like pieces of carbon fiber sticking out of my print. The print is a simple surface, 100mm x 50mm by 5mm thick. So there are a few bottom layers then the infill and then the top layers.