The filament was stuck, and when I ‘extracted’ it. I pulled too hard and snapped this little ribbon cable. So I need to order a new part. Can anyone tell me what this is? I’m looking through the parts lists now as well.
All you need is the flat cable. If you submit a ticket, maybe BBL will take pity on you and send you a replacement for free. It’s not going to be a very expensive part.
Is there not an unload option for the A1? On the X1C, if your are removing filament, you first tap unload to reverse the filament before you start pulling.
Yep there is on an A1, that being said I have had one instance where the filament broke in a very weird spot and I could get it to load or unload. Pushing more filament by hand pushed the broken filament just enough to get it to finally load. Then once I had pushed all the bad filament out I used the unload and cleared the issue.
You must be experienced in this subject, then a question for you The ribbon on my A1 did not break, but it came out of the place where it was wrapped, it did not go back in, if I put it back by folding, would it be problem ?
It is folded pretty well when it is installed in the factory, it isn’t a problem putting it back in folded. It is the filament sensor, so the machine won’t work without it. I’ve taken mine out and replaced it a few times now, so you just kind of push it back in as you put the assembly back together.