I love Modifiers!

Ugh. It’s too bad that both fans failed. Do you have a theory why (besides the speed controller? Maybe they got wet, or can’t handle the pressure (which implies that you do not want to weather strip it because that builds pressure).

Window-mounted air conditioners expand to fit any window using accordion panels to span the gap between the sides of the AC unit and the window edges. You could offset the fan (into the room) to make the accordion span the offset, eg, the fan is sitting away from the window and you retract the accordion to make room to close the window behind it (see plate idea, below). You still need some way to mount the unit to the wall/window, but since you don’t want to do that, consider this design instead, which does not hide the window while the fan is in place. You would, I think, rotate this to fit your horizontal window openings.

https + ://www.walmart.com/ip/Soleus-Air-WS4-08EW-301-8000-BTU-Saddle-Window-AC-with-Wi-Fi-Voice-control/5028274061

Plate idea: mount the unit on a 2-part sliding plexiglass plate that grips the window track. Open the parts to allow air flow. To close, align the parts to overlap and pull the window to the side of the combo.

BTW, how many KG of filament did the cover take?

Howdy, looking for a yes/no on whether or not this is possible. I’m good enough with the machine to make it print but I don’t know CAD.

I’m trying to print, well wanting to print, a large part with 2 colors, the outside being 1 and all the infill being another. I have clear filament for the walls but am hoping for the 2nd color to be just the infill, and to kind of come through.

I had someone say that it was not possible through basic slicer settings, but it would by using modifiers, which lead me here. Reading the thread, I’m not seeing anything similar to what I’m shooting for.

Does this sound like something that can be done or am I just chasing dragons?

Here’s the steps I went through:

  • Added a sphere primitive that was 25 mm in diameter
  • Cloned it and scaled it to 24 mm
  • Centered both of them
  • Merged them together
  • Moved the 24 mm sphere vertically 0.5 mm to center it vertically.
  • Made the larger sphere green
  • Made the smaller sphere red
  • Sliced it and moved moved the layer tool to show the insides.

You’ll then need to adjust the walls and infill of each object to get the look you are going for.

To add to what @jetpad said. Make the smaller object small enough so that the main object is large enough to accommodate the wall thickness you want.

Depending on the shape of the object, making a smaller clone may not work properly on the outside contours, so you may have to use CAD to make the interior object the right shape.

After assembling the interior object with the main object, you will want to right click the interior object and click change type and change it to a modifier. If you just keep it as a part, it may not work how you want and there will probably be a wall printed on the surface of the interior part.

After you do that, right click the modifier in the visual space and change the filament, or look for it in the objects list and change the colors filament box on the right of the modifier object.

Try meshmixer-

you can hollow an object, offset walls to their normals (which i think is what you’re after-)

Its a real ballache to use sometimes, but it’s powerful

Hey Olias, I am working on something where I need to print the model vertical. I am using the trick with modifiers without top and bottom pattern regularly BUT now I need to remove the sides …

I am looking for a slicer function to rotate the infil pattern by 90 degree.
Does anyone have an idea?

My alternative solution would be to make this a two part assemly, screw in the feet etc.

Hi I am struggling. I want to do something very similar to this. I have been trying for hours. If I “Add a primitive” ( a cube), then “Add modifier” and make some setting for cube. It works! See photo.
But below that you see a part that’s imported as a .smf If I do "Add modifier to this and do the same as for the cube above. Nothing happens.
However, If I change the filament on the none working modifier. I do see a colour change.
I have looked at the Prusa guide, and various threads here. I must be missing something but if possible maybe someone can give me a pointer.

There’s too many variable that you didn’t mention in your post. You mentioned a .smf file? If so, first try exporting the model as an STL file and import that see if the problem is reproducible. You can also export it using the slicer by right-clicking and export to STL. Then reimport the STL model. This should strip out any extraneous model information that may cause issues.

I don’t have an AMS so I can only do rudimentary diagnostics but if you upload your 3MF here, I can take a crack at it and let you know if I can reproduce the issue and what the remedy might be.

The first thing I notice is your selected item bar obscures the icon for the modifer type.

The second thing I spot is the colour of the modifer is different for each. This can sometimes mean you chose two different modifier types.

The third thing is not easy to detect as the angle is looking straight down, does the modifier merged with your part overlap the part at all, if it doesn’t and is floating in the air, this will not affect anything.

The fourth thing (regretting not using bullets now) is the icon on your modifier has an asterisk, I do not have any with that symbol attached when I add a modifier. This might be a Windows vs Mac (what I use) thing though.

If I add an “Add Modifier” cylinder from the menu, overlap my model, SELECT the modifier, change the infill type to something other than the model has and slice, I see two different types of infill exactly as the modifier placement would have me expect them.

Thank you both for the initial information. It’s late here. Tomorrow I will take a fresh look using your suggestions. I now do believe that it could be something about the imported .3mf file from makerworld. Because I imported a .3mf cube shape from Fusion 360 and that worked. Apart from my none success, I can see that modifier can be really useful and I didn’t know about it until I stumbling onto this thread today.

If you upload the .3mf you having an issue with it’s helpful for the people trying to replicate your issue.

I struggled with those modifiers for a while myself, using mainly STL files here.
Similar to the example video in the first post but my solution is slightly different:

When I create my models and know I also might need a modifier to make some areas stronger then I do this already in my CAD program.
But where STEP files provide so much more, STL files need a bit more attention.
Have the model and modifier in your CAD program and properly aligned.
Export both as STL files.
Load BOTH files as a model with multiple parts - this way the original coordinates of the parts will be preserved rather than parts being misplaced.

Hi, well fresh start. I tried using 3mf, step and stl files. Without success. Which is irritating. Today, I refer back to the thread that got my interest. It is the one above in this thread titled “An even better example” from Dec 2023. This refers to a printables file


I only downloaded the file- Activated Carbon Filter Lid.stl

I know that it’s possible, because there is the proof. It’s just that I cannot repeat it. Here is the Prepare view. I moved the modifier downwards and slightly outside the target, so that it spans the perforated lid.

Here is my result. Notice that the modifier does take effect on the edge, but it does not modify the perforated part.

I’m disappointed that I cannot get it to work, nevertheless I have discovered a really useful feature that’s available in the slicer. So chuffed with that. I hope that someone can point out whatever setting/action that I have missed.

Unless I am missing something here, it is doing exactly what you asked it to.

You have added a modifier to an existing model with solid edges and a central section of holes.

It looks like you have only changed the infill type as it is only possible to see a couple of the settings you have changed.

I can’t see the wall count or any other things you could have changed. You are looking at the preview in filament view, so, no colour changes will be visible.

The infill did change to what you set it to and the central holes section won’t change as there isn’t room for the infill as the walls count means only they can appear due to the tightness of the holes.

I’m not sure if you thought the holes would change or not as you don’t say what you expected to occur or which settings you changed in the hopes of achieve your goal.

If you are trying to replicate the effect of a thin rectangle with a central section with holes using only modifiers then using someone else’s already achieved result will not get close as it was already completed.

What you need to do is:

  • Create a thin rectangle, use a CAD package or simply add a cube primitive and change the dimensions.
  • Add a modifier and size it to be slightly narrower and shorter than the thin cube, make it thicker than the thin rectangle
  • Move it to centrally fit the thin rectangle
  • Set the properties of the infill style to your choice and turn off the top and bottom layers to zero
  • Preview, tweak, repeat until happy

It is a requirement to remove the top and bottom surfaces as this is a requirement to utilise the infill as a visible surface.

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Only the infill was changed as far as I can see.
You did not specify what changes you want for the perforated part.
If you want to affect this in any meaningful way you would have to merge parts.

I’m assuming this is what you are trying to do?

I simply added a solid the same size of the modifier and boolean meshed the 2 parts before adding the modifier.

Here is the .3mf file with the modification.

Activated Carbon Filter Lid.3mf (1.8 MB)