I made a Chrome/Firefox Extension called MakerWorld Plus

Hey everyone!

I’ve been using MakerWorld to upload my 3D prints for a while now and over the months build small little functions that make my browsing just a little better. After seeing some other people requesting features I thought why not make a public build for my Chrome extension so others can also use it!

The features this extension adds to your MakerWorld are the following for now:

  • Total sum of downloads indicator on model page
  • Total sum of downloads indicator on profile pages
  • Progress bar to next reward on profile pages
  • Display total points, point value, and gift card amount on model pages
  • Dynamic progress bar to indicate next gift card redemption on points page
  • View item statistics button on your model page to quickly see item stats in the creator center
  • Back to model page link on analytics pages in creator center
  • Additional comment filters like filter by rating, pictures, author reply, and boosts
  • Option to manually blur used gift cards in your redemption history (The extension doesn’t check gift cards for you, you do this manually for privacy reasons)
  • Quick replies | Quickly choose a simple reply when replying to comments. There are currently 19 pre-written replies that are randomly shown when replying to a comment.

This is a personal build of the extension that I made available for public use and I am by no means a programmer so there could be some bugs. But I think got most of them fixed for this build :slight_smile:

The extension only works on the /en/ version of makerworld but perhaps I’ll look at the local sites (de, zh, cn, it, fr) and see if it works there later.

If anyone is interested in trying you can find the extension here:

Ideas or suggestions are always welcome! :blush:


Extension images:


Thank you, this seems like a great addition, are you thinking about creating a Firefox extension too?

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I second this! Please make it for Firefox as well

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I’ll have a look after the weekend if it’s an easy port. I think it shouldn’t be too much hassle to port it to Firefox as well

This is crazy! Count me in!

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Seems like there are a lot of Firefox users :sweat_smile:

I hope there’ll be more. Nobody should want IE situation only with Google instead of Microsoft.


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Any chance if getting an opera extension as well?

Get a chance to look into firefox?

I’m currently updating the existing chrome one because makerworld updated their website so I have to readdress the target containers. If it functions again I will port it to firefox!


I pushed update 1.1 to the chrome webstore, this package should be reviewed by Google on Monday. Here is a quick update log

  • Updated to work with new MakerWorld website that introduced dark/light mode
  • Added designer has not replied filter to advanced comment filters

I will now check how to publish it as a firefox addon :slight_smile:


I Pushed update 1.2 to the Chrome webstore and uploaded the extension for review as a Firefox addon! :partying_face:

As for this update here is a quick overview!

Quickly choose a simple reply when replying to comments. There are currently 19 pre-written replies that are randomly shown when replying to a comment.

  • (potentially) fixed an issue with gift cards not being blurred properly if they were obtained at the exact same date and time stamp. This should be fixed but I can’t test this personally as I do not have gift cards with the same obtainment date
  • Added filter by no picture(s) filter to the advanced filters

There is a known bug with the advanced filters container sometimes being cut off, I have an idea on how to fix it but it’ll take some time! I hope everything else works fine! :smiley:


The Firefox Addon is now live on version 1.3! It can be found here!

I was not expecting it to go so quick but I’m just having so much fun adding more features. This one is also partly thanks to @Contributing_Factor for having a similar function in his extension MWPointTracker. I was just going to add the sum of downloads to the user pages but after seeing his progress bar I thought it would be a nice feature to introduce as well.

Here is a quick overview for this update

  • New feature | Sum of downloads and progress bar on profile pages

  • Go to model page link has been added to the analytics page in the creator center. I was annoyed I was unable to quickly navigate between these 2 areas of the website and this now allows me to quickly go from the analytics page back to the model in question.

Chrome should probably update to 1.3 in a couple of hours of this post! :slight_smile:


Looks like the gift card blurring is working consistently! Thanks for the quick fix!

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Just used this the other day and didn’t realize it was something you added! It’s super useful!

Also saw this:
Screenshot 2025-01-11 at 10.15.22 AM
Looking good!

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Hah, nice, I try to use the same blue colour with my functions so it’s little clearer it’s something I added! Everytime I navigated to the analytics section I couldn’t easily go back to the model so that little link next to the breadcrumb trail was something that felt natural to have there :smiley:

I did push update 1.3.6. yesterday which added the gift card redemption progress in the points tab! Glad you like it! It should even dynamically update based on the region you select for your redemptions :slight_smile:

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Just posting the update I pushed to both Firefox and Chrome yesterday here for the sake of transparancy. In 1.3.6 I have added a progress bar and a string of text that shows how many points away you are from your next gift card. This number automatically takes the required points for a gift card redemption from the region you have selected. This means that it will automatically update the progress were you to switch regions through the dropdown menu! Enjoy! :slight_smile:

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Are you able to add sorting the collections folder by a-z into the extension?

You mean this page and then sort a to z?

Or do you mean in a specific collection here?

YEs, but also the drop down when you want to add something into a collection - sort that a-z too apart from the latest one added to - that one at the top - this way we can add similar things to a collection that is temporarly at the top.

i.e. I’m just adding models to a benchy collection, it’s standard for that to be at the top of the list (well, under default) so when I add something else it’s still at the top.
Then when I later come to add something in another session I’d expect the benchy collection to be after those that start with A :slight_smile: