I think the future or (coming up) contests should be hidden, so people can focus on a few at a time.
I dont think its good to have these heads up contest ideas showing so far in advance. Start a contest or 2 and let them play out, then announce the next contests perhaps within a day or 2 of the prior one ending.
I feel the pre-announcements give others a chance to get a jump start on other contests while most of the crowd focuses on the current ones. Then the other people have to play catchup.
the contests also get announced here in the forum. actually this is a bit better now, it gives more people access to the information as before.
is good to have a bit time to prepare for an contest, not loosing to much time of the actual contest itself. And no you don’t have to be among the first few to have a chance.
I disagree with this approach. Creating a high-quality model often takes days or even weeks, including the final prints, photos, descriptions, covers, and so on. Releasing the contest hints only a few days in advance risks forcing participants to upload their models at the last minute, whereas having them ready at the start would give them more visibility and a better chance of being noticed.
Additionally, knowing the themes of multiple upcoming contests allows us to focus on the ones we prefer, skipping those we’re not interested in. Many of us are hobbyists with full-time jobs, families, social lives, etc. Giving us more time to prepare a model increases the chances of more people participating, without rushing to upload something hastily thrown together in a few minutes.
the contests run practically a month and there 3 are running simultaneously… 3 options and approx a month seems to be plenty of time and opportunities to enter.