Ideas on replacing the noisy MB fan A1 Mini

I am printing PLA/PETG almost 100%, meaning that nozzle/part cooling fans are barely working and are very quite!! but MB fan is very annoying(
I am actually considering replacing the micro 25x25 fan with something bigger and quieter. For example Noctua 40x40x10. It seems it should fit (haven’t opened the printer yet)
Maybe you have some better ideas or you think that it won’t work… would appreciate any thoughts/comments :slight_smile:

Info I’ve collected so far:
Actual noisy fan 25мм: x1-series Hotend fan Airflow: 2.96 CFM
Noctua 40мм nf-a4x10-5v-pwm Airflow: 5.24 CFM

If the fan works well, you can modify the gcode to run at 60% (or whichever percentage for that matter). I am unaware of any other fans that would work well and work quitely.

hm, that’s a decent idea!
what’s the gcode for MB fan??

Did you ever try this? I’d be very interested in this but the only thing putting me off is the Bambu fan is a 4-pin meaning the board has the ability to measure the RPM - as the Noctua would spin slower, I wonder if the board would trigger any errors thinking the fan is broken. If not, I would certainly look at pulling the trigger on this.

I haven’t tried this yet, as I don’t really mind the fan. I have the same concerns now that you have pointed it out, but it doesn’t seem like it would be likely for that to occur.

I do not know what the gcode is, I’ve been trying to find it but can’t.