If you were wondering, 1mm nozzles work

.4mm x 1.1mm lines
Doesnt look so great because I just threw a quick profile together with no tuning, , but it works. Im going to try the 1.4mm nozzle later today. Also going to test the flow rate of bambu petg hf vs elegoo rapid petg today. The elegoo has alread been tested at over 112mm3/s(flsun s1 max speed) which is way faster than even bambu pla.
Ill also run it through a bambu printer to see what the heater can handle. My guess is 45mm3/s. This seems to be the max for bambu with aftermarket high flow/cht nozzles

Consider me a cat, my curiosity is piqued.

Are you happy to reveal what you have printed or is it too soon to share?

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Thanks for sharing your data. This is fascinating information. Can you share a link to the nozzle you’re testing?

Also, although I am not a huge fan of “Yet another test model”. One model that exceeds the Benchy is torture testing is the PolyPearl tower test. This is the one I use when trying to push the limits of “detailed” print testing because of the very fine structures that give lots of printers trouble. This is something that the Benchy really does not test for. I would imagine that this would be a very suitable model to put a 1mm nozzle to a performance test as far as details go. Perhaps compare 0.08 against 0.28 layer heights to show what this can accomplish.

This section here on the model is where most filaments struggle. It would be interesting to see how this 1mm nozzle performs.

The other challenge area is the spire. That’s a part of the model that again, really sets apart filament flow and cooling. It’s hard to get a smooth spire. Here are some examples that I keep around for my own reference.

Spire issues.

Note: These are not fair comparisons to each other because the red(Sunlu Fast PLA) was printed at 0.08 layer height and the one on the right black(XYZPrinting PLA) was printed at 0.28. But it shows the problem areas I look for when performing a torture test.

Overhang and stringing.

No filament I have tested so far performed perfectly in this section of the tower.

I would love to see how a 1mm nozzle would do against this test. I’m wagering that unless the cooling fans are turned up to 100% from the start, the filament would not perform well just because of the fine layers. But it would be great to compare 0.08 against 0.28 layer height. It would also be interesting to know how long it took to print each.

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Chiefs helmet. Heres a BYU one I made for a coworker. This one was done with the .4mm nozzle and .08 x .42 lines

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Just a high flow revo nozzle. They have standard brass, brass high flow, standard obxidian, high flow obxidian, high temp, diamondback and other abrasive/corrosive tips from .15mm to 1.4mm

The high flow varients have a CHT geometry inside.

On those tests, my guess is it would look great if I cut the layer height down to .12 and ran matte pla.
Ill add it to the list.


I didn’t know the Revos went that small! I have them on several Elegoos and a couple of Vorons. I have one for the P1S but haven’t had a chance to put it on yet. The variety of sizes and materials plus the toolless cold swap is pretty awesome.

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The .15 is the pink one. I think it only comes in standard brass. makes sense

Revos are so nice. Not dealing with the plugs is worth it all by itself.


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I would like to retract my statement about not knowing they went that small… because I actually have two LOL. This is proof I buy too much stuff because I don’t even know what I have?!

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Thats pretty impressive. I need to step my game up lol. Using your photo to show the wifey

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Tell her this is the average amount of nozzles a completely normal person has… see if she believes that lol. Also, that nozzle holder is on my Makerworld if you want to print one.

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Just a heads up, unless they arent in the photo, the .15 is pink. Looks like you have 2 purple/1.2mm HF. The colors are close.

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Ohhh, you’re right. So I don’t have any of the smallest they make. BRB, off to shop!! Lol, kidding, I’m good right now but I’m sure at some point :slight_smile:


may have to pick one up then.

Complete hotends. Small markup vs the website price.

This place down by Miami has them too. I’ve never ordered from them but I see them mentioned all over the place and they are one of the approved LDO Voron DIstributors.

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Got mine and several Obxidian nozzles at launch

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I have looked at those so many times. I mainly print PLA and ABS but I still want them lol.

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How did you manage to print with anything larger than 0.8mm nozzles? I have a panda hot end with the revo nozzles and I was able to create a profile a few months ago to print in 1.4mm but I haven’t been able to get by errors that won’t let me print recently.

What errors are you getting?. Its been a while, but I think I did the same thing as the .15 nozzle. Created a profile with the correct line widths and height for that nozzle. I also use orca, in case thats a factor.

i am also getting errors in bambu studio and in orca slicer as the machine nozzles only go upto 0.8 if i set anything above that it creates a difference between the slicing profile and machine settings