In Bambu Studio, I did not find an adaptive filling mode

A question: in Bambu Studio, I did not find an adaptive filling mode like on Ideamaker which allows for progressive and automatic filling until the final closing layers. This avoids having uneven final full layers. Thank you for your answers

Try using “Support Cubic” in “Sparse Infill”

Support Cubic
Support cubic infill varies the density of the pattern depending on how close it is to the top of the model. The closer the print is to the top, the more frequent the lines will be. Because of its sparse nature, support cubic is excellent in both the time it saves and the material it uses. It also provides great vertical strength.


There’s also Lightning infill. Worked for me in the past.

Actually, adaptive cubic is the one that creates the amount of support needed based on geometry.

You always have the options to set to use more than one top layer. The default will print a double thick bridge layer over the sparse infill. Then it prints a solid infill layer that helps to provide a more even surface. Finally it prints the top layer.

One of the issues with the default bridge layer over the infill is that because it is double thick, if it crosses lines then you get a significant bump at each crossing. I was very surprised by the double thick layer when I first noticed it. Most of the time with very sparse infill it just squashes down, but at higher infill percentages it can be a real problem.

This preview should illustrate the bridging issue.
Top layer of sparse infill.
Bridge layer.
Then the solid infill layer
followed by the top layer.

Using grid infill can make it even worse because it crosses lines on the same layer creating bumps at the crossing. Photo from the Prusa doc.

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