In Preview view individual g-code motions in Bambu Studio

In Simplify3D slicer it was possible to examine the printer movements in preview by toggling from layer to line-by-line. Is there a similar feature in Bambu Studio?

In PREVIEW → Color Scheme you can select:


Then use the bars to view the individual layers.

Hope this helps.

The left and right error keys can be used to step through each line or if you mouse over the bottom slider you can use the scroll wheel.

Ah nice! Thank you! That is perfect. That is what I was looking for!

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What about the gcode that you need to view on a running project? I loaded a design and sent it to one of my printers, then I closed BS. I needed to replace a filament roll that ran out, when I put in the new roll all my User preset settings reverted back to BS default, including the Aux fan to 80 (vs. user 30%). This of course caused overcooling of the parts causing them to lift one at a time starting with those closest to the fan. I want to check the gcode to see if, where and how BS changed all my settings to default. the few remaining objects are still printing, fingers crossed! it was only 27hrs into a 36hr print :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: